Chapter Sixteen

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"Two weeks, Emma, that's all we have to get through and then we will be in each other's arms again," she whispered against her warm delectable lips as she held onto her face as though she would never see her favorite person again.

Her stunning blonde kissed her with every ounce of passion seeping through her lips and Regina prayed that she would say those three little words before they parted, but much to her dismay they never came.

"Regina!" Doctor Belfrey snaps, forcing her eyes to blink rapidly as she tries to bring herself back to reality.

"Yes, doctor," she politely responds and watches the sneer form upon Doctor Belfrey's permanent scowling face.

"You were not paying attention," the woman argues so coldly that Regina could practically see her frigid breath.

"Yes, I was," she defends, glaring at the older woman, square in the eyes to express her confidence. This woman is a cold-hearted bitch, but she is the best doctor around and she plans on absorbing everything she has to offer. "An acute myocardial infarction," she responds robotically and observes as one of the older woman's eyebrows raises skeptically.

Regina maintains eye contact, so the doctor knows how confident she is with her answer. She knows better than to appear weak in front of this woman by now. Dr. Belfrey exhales loudly through her nose and continues speaking, never acknowledging that Regina was indeed correct.

She listens along to that snippy voice and pretends that she's hanging on her every word, but her and that damn woman both know, she's far too advanced at this point. Everything she is teaching, Regina has already memorized by now.

Still, Regina follows the woman throughout the day, like a puppy in training. She answers respectfully when the doctor asks a question and she is prepared when she thinks she's not pay attention, yet again.


"Mills!" Regina's lips curl into a smile when she hears that old familiar voice. She spins around abruptly in her white sneakers and cringes when they squeak against the polished floors. "Are you coming out for a few tonight?" Ivy questions as she scurries to her side in her baby blue scrubs.

"I don't know...I'm kind of tired," she lamely lies, earning herself an unamused glare from her best friend.

"You're always tired. What else is new?" Ivy bumps her shoulder playfully as they continue walking the beaten path back to their cars. "Come on, Margarita Friday!"

"That isn't a thing," she deadpans.

"You've been back one week now, I need to hear all about this trip, but most importantly I need a drinking buddy," Ivy implores while Regina rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Fine, but I'm not staying out too late. Pick me up in an hour, I want to go home and change."


Regina fluffs her hair one last time as the phone rings, and she waits patiently for her girlfriend to answer. Finally, when she thinks Emma is about to miss the call, the gorgeous woman comes into view.

Her long golden locks are piled high on top of her head in a messy bun. Her green eyes look slightly dull, nothing how Regina had memorized them to be just one week ago. She's in a baggy t-shirt and she looks utterly exhausted, but to Regina, she's still as gorgeous as ever.

"Hi," Emma quietly mutters while laying down on the bed they once shared.

"Did I wake you?" She cautiously questions, but the blonde is already shaking her head.

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