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Emma groans from the soft sound of her two-year-old calling from down the hall. She buries her face further into Regina's tangled strands and sighs against the familiar lavender scent, completely ignoring their child.

"Momma?" She scoots further into Regina's warm back, utterly enveloped by her relaxing body. "Momma. Momma. Momma."

"Regina," she gripes, squeezing her wife tightly. "I heard, momma, that's you." A soft sigh stirs in the sleepy brunette's throat, but never once does she make an attempt to move. "Baby, I know you're not sleeping," she whispers behind her wife's ear, but truthfully, she's not moving at all either, nor is she allowing the brunette space to escape her clutches.





"I heard, mommy, that's you," Regina rasps out through her sexy, sleep induced voice, provoking Emma to scowl.

"You're the worst," she grumbles and presses her core into her wife's thick bottom, earning herself a delicious moan from the sleepy woman. However, Regina still pretends to be dead asleep and refuses to move. "Fine," she scoffs, angrily tossing the comforter off their warm bodies.

She clambers out of their cozy bed and shuffles grumpily through their addition, that Cora and Henry have added onto for their growing family. Her feet scuff against the hardwood floors, down the hall until she reaches the extra bedrooms. She slowly peeks her head inside the first room and smiles instantly.



"Well, good morning cuties," she gushes, sauntering tiredly into their bedroom.

Two beautiful bouncing twins jump up and down in their crib with identical, ever-growing smiles. Their matching blonde curls bounce off their shoulders while one set of green eyes and another set of hazel bore into Emma, begging to be picked up.

After her and Regina were wed, they couldn't wait to add onto their family. With Regina finishing up her residency, they thought it would be best if Emma were the one to carry their next child again. Her job consisted of less hours and was much easier to take time away, if need be.

So, they sat down and discussed their options thoroughly. They knew it would be a long shot, but they asked Neal for his contribution. Emma and Regina thought it would be ideal for all their children to have the same birth parents. To their surprise, Neal happily agreed. His long time girlfriend, Tamara, didn't want children, so she didn't have a problem with the idea anyways. The woman enjoyed having Henry visit on weekends, but she just wasn't interested in being a full time parent.

They don't share custody with the girls, like they do with Henry, but Neal is still very present in their lives and treats them just the same as Henry. They all agreed when the girls are older, they would explain who their biological father is, if they don't figure it out beforehand. Neal hangs around every weekend when he picks up their son and spends a lot of time with the girls which Emma and Regina love. They like the idea of the girls still having a positive male role model in their life, especially since they are all very good friends.

Before any of that occurred, Emma and Regina moved out of the two-bedroom apartment in New York, and into a four-bedroom house in a suburb just outside of the city. Neal and Tamara moved as well and about a half an hour away from their house now. Not to mention Emma's father, who lives in the same town as them now, because he couldn't stay away from their ever-growing family.

"Aren't you two up a little too early this morning?" Emma teases, properly greeting her girls with sweet kisses upon each nose.

"I'm hungry," Sutton whines with her green eyes sparkling as Harper nods along.

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