Chapter Twenty-One

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The soft click from the door resonates in her ears as Regina locks up behind her and Emma kicks off her boots. She neatly hangs her coat on the back of the door and watches as Regina places her shoes by the door. They are too quiet for them, for who they used to be, and she absolutely hates it. She knows they still have so much to discuss, but she had hoped for less awkward tension after the nice evening they had with her parents.

"I'm not actually staying here just yet, I was going to stay when I'm closer to my due date. Uh, if you'd like I can go to my apartment tonight," Emma offers, not wanting Regina to think she's assuming anything.

"Emma, I came here to fix things between us and that's what I intend on doing. Spending more time apart isn't going to help the situation," Regina sternly states, shaking her head as she crosses the small room and sits elegantly at the edge of the bed.

Emma shifts nervously between her feet, feeling that awful thick tension buzzing between them, knowing they still have so much more to discuss. There's a dull ache in her lower back from standing so much, but she tries to focus on more important things.

"So, and Robin?"

"It's not what you are thinking. I didn't spend four months in a relationship with him again. We slept together one time and even after that we weren't exclusive. We were just spending time together to see where things would lead. I most certainly didn't break up with him to come here. I did explain to him there would never be an us, again. I also told him I was in love with someone else, someone who I know in my heart my future is with. He sulked a little bit, but I think he knew he caused too much damage to win me back," she gently explains as her eyes bore into Emma's, never once faltering or showing any doubt. "I'm sorry if that bothers you, but we weren't anything."

"I know and I'm sorry, I know I don't have any grounds to be upset, but that doesn't stop the jealousy I still feel," she explains, so the brunette understands just how much it pains her to know she was with someone else.

"I understand." Regina pauses momentarily as her mind shifts through any other topics they haven't touched on just yet. "So..." she trails off and every girl across the universe knows that 'so', because every girl has used that simple word to encourage themselves to bring up something they are truly anxious over. "So, where does that leave us?"

"Well, together...I hope. I just can't stand the thought of us not being together and I know we are rushing..."

"When haven't we rushed things?" Regina laughs lightly as those brown eyes roll dramatically.

"Right," she licks her lips nervously and rocks slowly from her heels to her toes, only further agitating the ache in her back. "I think we can make this work. You, me and this baby can be really happy," she offers as one hand firmly presses into her lower back and her other hand rests on top of her round belly.

"No more games, we have a baby to think about now," Regina strictly demands, yet her lips are curling into a giddy smile, thinking about the baby.

"No more," Emma confirms. "Well, uh...can I shower? My lower back is killing me, and I could use the warm water against my aching muscles," she whines, her hand instantly rubbing her lower back to relieve the tight muscles.

Green eyes flick toward Regina just in time to witness her swallowing rather hard, affirming that Emma still has that same effect on her. She smirks and takes the two steps needed to enclose the gap between them. Emma bends down, placing her hands upon her ex's knees, staring deeply into those rich, chocolate irises. She knows what those dark eyes will do to her, trapping her in that seductive spell, but she doesn't mind, she needs to be lost in all of her again.

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