Chapter Twenty-Five

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The tires skid roughly against the thick, white blanket of snow causing the truck to bounce in the process. Henry's foot repeatedly slamming against the brake echoes through the cabin while the back end of the truck drifts off the beaten path and pulls the rest of the truck down with it.

"Emma?" Regina's voice shrieks through the tires rumbling outside.

Cora and Emma hang on for dear life as the back of the truck slips further and further down the hill. Emma's heart beats fiercely in her chest as her mind pleads for the truck to stop skidding and for their lives to be spared. The back tires aggressively bump into something provoking the car to ricochet off the unknown item. The truck bounces a few times before they abruptly stop.

Not one person moves from the pure shock coursing through their trembling limbs. Their hot, frantic breaths fill the air along with Regina's hysterical voice in the background. Henry abruptly spins around to check on Cora and Emma with sheer panic and humiliation owning his face.

"Are you two alright? Emma? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she breathes out while her hand subconsciously reaches out for the phone abandoned on the floor. "I'm fine," she mutters again as she lifts the device for Regina to see her once again. "We're fine, we just hit a rough patch in the road," she quickly informs her girlfriend before she fires off questions in hysteria.

"Are you sure? You scared me."

"I know, we're fine though," she reassures her as Henry turns back around to proceed down the hill. Green eyes quickly snap to the older man, cursing under his breath as his foot smashes into the gas pedal over and over again. The wheels squeal their protest, while the truck refuses to budge. "Are we stuck?" She hastily investigates just as another contraction rips through her gut.

"Emma! What's wrong? Is the baby alright?" Regina shouts in a frenzy from the pained look upon Emma's face.

"It's just a contraction," she utters through a clenched jaw just as Cora softly rubs her back for comfort.

"It's alright, dear, just keep breathing," the older woman encourages while Henry's hands slam furiously against the steering wheel.

"Alright my dears, give me a few minutes," he grumbles as he unbuckles his seatbelt and angrily climbs out of the vehicle, slamming the door in the process.

"What's wrong?" Regina rapidly shouts, instantly grasping Emma's full attention once again.

Emma's face scrunches as the pain slowly slips away from her lower abdomen and fear strikes in her mind. "I-I think we are stuck," she mumbles, peeking around Henry's seat to watch as the man bends down in front of the car.

"Seriously? You need to call someone, Emma you need to get to the hospital," her girlfriend urges with her anxiety on full display which only causes the blonde more fear.

Not only is her girlfriend most likely losing her mind about them almost getting into an accident, she knows Regina is hating the fact that she is not there and cannot help in any way possible. She knows how Regina likes everything in a certain order and always wants to follow a strict plan, so her not having any control over this situation is only further infuriating her.

"Regina, your father will figure a way out," Cora sternly states, but her cold eyes are inspecting her husband's every move intently, only further agitating Emma's panic.

"Mother, call someone now," Regina demands as her face grows painfully serious.

"Who would you like me to call right now? Hmm, Regina?" Cora snips coldly, not once granting Regina her full attention.

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