Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The breathy sound of her name leaving Regina's lips and swimming through the air causes a chain reaction to Emma's body. Cold shivers tickle down her spine, prompting her body to shudder violently. Her skin breaks out in goosebumps as her heart takes off racing in a marathon she has not properly trained for. Her mouth runs dry. Her hands and feet grow clammy. Her stomach erupts with angry butterflies swarming around her gut and begging to be released.

The tips of her toes dig deep into her shoes before she slowly spins around to meet those enchanting brown eyes, placing her immediately under her spell.


"Where's Henry?" Her girlfriend gasps as her feet shuffle toward Emma is a haste.

Those raven tresses are sopping wet, clinging to her face as the ends drip the angry rain to the floor below. Her white tank top is soaked, granting Emma the privilege to see right through her shirt and gaze upon her white lace bra. Emma doesn't have time to assess much else of her body because her girlfriend is stalking toward her with determination beating in those rich eyes.

"He's inside with-"

She's not allowed to finish her sentence because Regina's ice-cold hands are on her face and pulling her into a searing kiss. She freezes, but only for a brief second before she kisses her back with just as much heat.

She moans instantly into Regina's mouth as her girlfriend's fingers decide that they need all of her right now. Those greedy digits slip away from Emma's cheeks and quickly travel south, fumbling for her jean shorts. She grips Regina's face, walking her back toward the bundles of hay stacked in the corner.

The kiss is purely lips smashing and teeth colliding as they stumble hopelessly for one another. Regina pops open the button and hastily rips the zipper down. Her girlfriend doesn't bother with the shorts any longer because now her neglected center is in reach, so she shoves her hand down Emma's pants and roughly cups her, demanding that she is hers.

Emma shudders from the heel of her girlfriend's palm pressing firmly against her needy bundle of nerves. She exhales a shaky, hot breath against parted lips as her head slowly falls forward. Regina nudges her nose with her own, just as she always does when she wants her lips on hers again. Emma grips the back of her neck, painfully tight, and forcefully captures those plump, red lips that she has been missing for far too long.

Without a second thought, Emma pushes forward, bending Regina back until she hazardously falls and collides with the hay behind her. A small grunt escapes her lips and falls into Emma's mouth but that doesn't stop Regina from slamming her middle finger deep into her dripping center.

"Oh fuck," Emma croaks out when the overwhelming stimulation consumes her entire body and she trembles violently in response.

Regina's single digit stiffens inside of her tight walls, knowing it's been far too long since they last slept together, and her body is not welcoming the intrusion with open arms. Emma releases a quivering breath as her forehead falls to Regina's lips and she summons all her energy to stay hovering above the wet brunette.

As slow as Regina can possibly move, she begins swirling her finger around to stretch Emma's deprived center.

"Oh fuck," Emma groans through clenched teeth, "I've-I missed-where have-" she stammers embarrassingly as her mind and body unravel dangerously fast.

"Sssshhhhh," Regina hushes, her nose pushing against Emma's to persuade her lips to crash into hers again.

Emma snakes her hand between their bodies and hastily tugs Regina's hand from her shorts. "Take off your clothes, now," she orders against her girlfriend's mouth while their teeth and lips connect through another blazing kiss.

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