Chapter Seven

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A warm gentle breeze brushes against her chest, persuading her body to scoot further into the warmth. A soft moan stirs in the back of her throat as she snuggles into the hot air that's surrounding her. Another moan rattles against her chest, but she knows it's not her own voice.

Her eyes slowly peel open to find a mess of raven tangles in disarray across her chest. She instantly smiles to herself, knowing she somehow managed to trick this astounding woman into bed. Her arms tighten around the tiny frame that is pressed into her side and she sighs, feeling fully satisfied for the first time in a long time.

She presses a tender kiss to the crown of her head, cautious not to wake the sleeping beauty nestled in her arms, but nonetheless she stirs. Regina's long legs stretch against her own, forcing her toes to play footsie beneath the sheets. Emma smiles, a pathetically goofy grin and flexes her feet to meet the woman's. The brunette hums mindlessly and Emma is not quite sure if she's fully awake yet, but the woman's smooth mound presses into her hip suggestively.

Emma slowly rolls the gorgeous woman onto her back and takes a moment to appreciate the unguarded, makeup free, flawless face below her. Regina really is absolutely breathtaking and she has no idea what this astounding woman is doing with someone like her.

The back of her fingertips lightly grazes the high cheek bone, inspiring warm cocoa eyes to flutter, but never truly open and reveal themselves. "Good morning," Emma whispers as her hand opens and her palm cups a warm cheek, but Regina still doesn't move. "Good morning," she whispers again and holds the woman into place as she brushes her lips lightly against the swollen flesh below.

"Mmmmm," Regina moans, her lips finally awakening and pressing firmly against Emma's. "Good morning to you, too," her raspy voice croaks out, and the sound of her morning voice after sex instantly becomes Emma's new favorite sound.

"How long have you been up?" She accuses, playfully narrowing her eyes. "Were you pretending to be asleep?"

"Never," the sleepy woman retorts, that sexy voice filled with pure sex and hoarse from screaming Emma's name all night, sending shivers down her spine.

"Liar," she muses while rolling onto the warm body and pinning her arms into the warm sheets below just above those messy, inky tresses. Regina smirks salaciously as her teeth sink into her swollen bottom lip and her hips buck off the mattress mixing her thick arousal with Emma's. She can't help but laugh knowing they both only have one thing on their minds. "So, last night was fun," she seductively drawls, rolling her hips against a smooth core when her lips whisper the word fun.

"Indeed it was, Miss Swan," Regina breathes heavily, the sound of her arousal evident in her tone and causing Emma's body to shiver in delight.

Emma leans dangerously close into her ear and whispers as her hips gyrate against her center once again. "I like when you call me, Miss Swan."

Regina reacts immediately, stretching her lips forward to enclose the gap between them. She kisses her with the same urgency Emma felt the night before and she easily reciprocates the feeling.

Her heart flutters in her chest while her clit starves for more attention from the brunette bombshell below her. Her fingers press into the back of Regina's hands and she quickly squeezes right back. A chill runs down her spine again and tingles deep in the pit of her stomach, sending a wave of electricity to shock her bundle of nerves.

Emma's mouth parts to slide her tongue into her mouth, absorbing all the soft moans that keep breaking for her sassy mouth. Regina's dripping core rubs firmly against her own and they both cry out from the intense pleasure coursing through their limbs. She doesn't think she has ever experienced an intensity during sex quite like this and she's already becoming obsessed with the sensation.

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