Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Does it normally snow in Catania?" Emma mindlessly questions as she gazes out of the cold window, observing the thick, white flakes fall gracefully from the sky above.

The endless sky is midnight blue with a hint of violet, but the large snowflakes are brightening up the farm as they cover the ground below. The window fogs up from her warm breath against the glass while she watches Henry trek his way back from the barn.

"Sometimes," Cora absentmindedly hums, focusing on preparing hot tea near the stove for the both of them. "It's not that rare if that's what you are thinking." She slowly turns around and carefully walks over two steaming mugs, gently placing one down in front of Emma.

"Well, that's good," she mumbles under her breath, her attention on the older man stomping the clinging snow off his boots. A bitter cold gust of wind sweeps through the small cabin home before Henry has a chance to slam the back door closed. His body shudders to brush away the chill in his bones as he removes his hat and gloves. "Everything alright with the barn?"

"Of course, my dear," Henry reassures both women as he hangs up his coat and slips off his boots. "Don't you worry, we are accustomed to this by now."

"I made you a fresh pot of coffee this evening," Cora informs her husband, slowly sipping her tea.

The older gentleman smiles from ear to ear, a grin that is reserved just for his loving wife as he shuffles through the kitchen. Henry pours himself a hot cup of coffee, filling the air with the rich aroma. The scent drifts in Emma's direction and travels up her nostrils causing her mouth to water from her favorite thing that she has been deprived of for six long months.

"Lucky," she mumbles just to tease the man because this is the type of relationship they have created together, playful banter.

"It's not my fault you're with child and can't have caffeine," he fires back with a playful grin and an amused glint in his eye.

"I can have caffeine...a little bit," she weakly defends inspiring a deep chuckle from Henry and a pointed glare from Cora.

"You will do no such thing," Cora sternly orders while shaking her head. "You have come this far. One more week and you can have all the caffeine you wish for." Instantly, Emma's mood lightens, and her face brightens up, until a thought flashes across Cora's face and those dreams of a fresh cup of coffee quickly vanish. "That is unless you breastfeed. If you choose to breastfeed then you cannot have caffeine as well."

Emma groans, carelessly tossing herself into the back of her chair. "Then formula it is," she confirms dryly, pulling the warm mug closer and sipping the bland decaffeinated tea.

"Your choice, my dear, but don't think for a second you will get away with breastfeeding and drinking coffee. I know my daughter and there is no way she would ever allow it."

"Oh, trust me, I know," Emma over enunciates her words to stress how well she knows Regina by now. "Your daughter is already talking about-"

A sharp agonizing pain slices through her gut unexpectedly, cutting off all her oxygen supply and provoking her body to double over in pain. She inhales sharply though her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut as she attempts to breathe through the pain.

"Emma," Cora gasps, immediately leaping from her seat and knocking her chair down in the process. "Emma dear, breathe honey. I need you to breathe."

Emma keeps her eyes screwed shut as Cora brushes her wild hair away from her face and slides her hand into Emma's for comfort. She breathes in deeply once more while Cora lovingly rubs her lower back. She proceeds to blow out a long shaky breath and that's when she feels relief wash over her as the pain slowly subsides. She takes a few more slow and steady breaths just as a precaution before she finally pries her eyes open.

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