Chapter Five

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She's exhausted. She feels the heavy weight weighing down her limbs and sinking them further into the mattress, but she knows she has to face the day. She groans, stretching out her stiff legs from all the walking she acquired the previous night and then suddenly her mind is wide awake. The previous night comes floating back to her mind, countless images of the stunning brunette laughing and swooning as they danced through Sicily.

Her eyes spring to life, suddenly self-conscious and well aware that she's sleeping next the most amazing woman she has ever met. She hastily wipes the sleep from her eyes, combs her fingers through her excessively knotty hair from the damn wind blowing off the ocean and swallows thickly when her mind registers the brunette bombshell sleeping heavily beside her.

Her eyes take in the peaceful slumber consuming Regina's face as she proceeds to dream about who knows what. But it's a good dream, Emma concludes, as she memorizes the faint smile that's parting Regina's plump lips. Her new bunk mate is sleeping soundly on her stomach with her hands tucked beneath her pillow. Her raven locks are spread out like a fan across her pillowcase, yet there's still a thick chunk slowly sliding into her face.

Emma's fingers itch to sweep back the silky tresses, but she hardly knows the woman yet and she feels like the action would be inappropriate. Okay, it would be totally creepy and honestly, she shouldn't even be staring at this woman while she sleeps right now.

She quickly scrambles out of bed, putting some much-needed distance between her and her new friend. She glances at the clock and groans when she accepts that it's only five in the morning. She decides to just start her day, Henry will be ecstatic that's she's up with him so early to get a head start on the farm.

She tiptoes into the bathroom undetected and begins her day, vowing to ignore the glorious images in her head of a certain brunette that will inevitably distract her from her job.


Henry was absolutely over the moon that Emma was up earlier than usual to help with the farm. They worked alongside one another, joking and laughing as if they have known each other for years and it's just what she needs when she's missing her father back home.

Soon, they were finished with their morning duties and trekking into the Mills' home for the breakfast that was so deliciously and teasingly wafting through the morning air.

"Emma, did you wash your hands, dear?" Cora strictly interrogates, causing her to feel like a scolded five-year-old.

"Of course," she scoffs, "I'm not gonna touch those animals all morning and then eat. That's gross," she grimaces as Cora kindly sets down a plate in front of her.

"Just checking," the woman hums to herself while placing her husband's plate down as well.

Henry immediately dives in, munching on a thick piece of bacon. "Is your daughter still sleeping?" He inquires pointedly as his eyes narrow at the back of his wife's head.

Cora waves her hand dismissively in the air as she makes her own plate all while Emma keeps her head low because she feels like she shouldn't be present for this type of conversation. Mrs. Mills sashays elegantly across the small kitchen before she settles down in her chair beside her husband.

"Is it a crime to sleep passed nine in the morning?" Cora rhetorically questions, her fork stabbing into her omelette, but Henry doesn't sense her tone.

"I just think she needs to get out of that room."

Emma remains focused on her own omelette, never once glancing up, not even reaching for her cup of coffee as she aims for invisibility. There's just something thick in the air that whispers in her ear that she shouldn't be listening.

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