Chapter Eleven

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Two weeks since Regina decided to stay and both women have been lovesick fools for one another. Emma is addicted to her gentle touch. She's obsessed with her demanding kisses. She craves that longing look in those enchanting brown eyes when Regina's body needs her just as much as Emma needs her. Three full weeks they have spent together, inseparable and never once growing tired of the other person.

With the two of them helping on the Mills' farm, Henry has taken this opportunity as a small vacation for himself as well. Some days he grows bored and will help the girls, which just means more free time for Regina and Emma in the evening.

"How many more of these do I have to buy you before you sing karaoke?" Emma shouts over the loud woman who is painfully off tune up on stage in the crowded bar.

"You can keep buying until we pass out," Regina coyly quips with that devilish smirk slithering across her ruby-red painted lips. 

"Or until you sing," she taunts, holding up two fingers for the bartender.

Green eyes shamelessly rake up and down her date's body once again. A tight, black, leather dress with the thinnest of straps cling to Regina's taut little body. The stilettos she is wearing, in deep blood red, burns her skin and creates an all too familiar throb painfully between the apex of her legs.

They should have never gone shopping earlier that day...

Regina hasn't worn lipstick since the first night Emma had met her, and now she's wondering how she will ever survive with this brunette back in the states, if this is how she normally dresses.

If they continue this back home...

"Swan! Is that you, love?" A thick British accent lures her away from her inappropriate gawking, demanding her full attention.

Her eyes inquisitively scan the crowded bar until they land upon Killian, who is smiling brightly as he shuffles through the sweaty people surrounding him.

"Who's that?" Regina coldly interrogates, reclaiming her full attention once again.

Emma turns her head slightly to answer, but she finds there's this thick wall of tension separating them like she has never felt before with this woman. Her head falls to the side as she tries to comprehend what is occurring with her roommate this evening. If Regina's eyes were a mood ring right now, they would definitely be glowing green with jealousy and Emma has no clue as to why? She knows, Regina doesn't know about her...relations with Killian, so why, all of a sudden, is she acting so cold and distant?

"Swan! Great crowd tonight," Killian cheerfully acknowledges, leaning in far too rapidly to lightly kiss her reddening face.

"Killian? What are you doing here in Sicily again?" She investigates as neutral as possible while Regina stares murderously at the clueless man between them.

"I brought a small group of friends and decided to hang out for a few days. What are the odds of running into you again?" He smirks that devilishly handsome grin suggestively while his eyebrows wiggle to her horror.

"Uh, right. Well, Killian this is Regina. Regina this is Killian," she formally introduces the two, making sure she avoids specifics like the plague. Even though she knows both Regina and Killian's curiosities will get the best of them and their words will spew rapidly from their big mouths.

"Nice to meet you, lass," Killian politely holds out his hand and waits for Regina to accept his gesture.

Regina honestly looks like the stranger is infected with some incurable disease as she finally shakes his hand. And she is quick to end the greeting, never saying one word in return, besides the disgusted scowl upon her face that is screaming an entire monologue.

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