Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey! Lazy pants," Emma calls out as she enters their private area, hastily kicking off her boots. She allows the door to fall closed on its own and quickly removes her tank top that's soaked in sweat and clinging to her body. "What's going on with you today? We have two days left before you leave...wait is this your way of hinting that we are going to spend them in bed?" She cheerfully questions, wiggling her eyebrows playfully and crossing the small room.

"You stink," Regina mutters as she curls further into the fetal position in their bed.

"We have officially reached marriage status," she announces, crawling onto the bed. She hovers over the tiny body hiding away from the world and leans over for a better view of her face. Regina's eyes are closed, but she knows she's not sleeping, so she takes a moment to adore her flawless beauty. "Seriously, what's wrong? You sick?"

"No, I just got my period this morning and it's a bitch. I'm cramping really bad and I usually don't get cramps, but apparently they have found me out and have come with vengeance," she groans and squirms beneath the sheet to express the discomfort torturing this evening.

Emma chuckles softly and bends down to place a sweet kiss to her cheek. "You're adorable," she gushes into her ear before she pulls away and hops off the bed. "I'm gonna shower, but is there anything you crave when you're on your period? I can grab it after I'm done showering."

"Chocolate, obviously. Isn't that what you crave when you have yours?" She questions over her shoulder, but never turns around to meet Emma's concerned gaze. "Emma?"

"Yes, of course, chocolate." She steps inside the bathroom and begins stripping away her bra. "What form of chocolate though?" She slowly shimmies out of her shorts and thong. "Do you want chocolate ice cream? Rocky road is my personal favorite. Or do you want candy bars? Or a double chocolate chip muffin?" She offers, quickly turning on the shower.

"Rocky road sounds orgasmic right now," Regina moans from across the room, generating an instant smile upon Emma's lips as her hand tests the temperature of the water.

"Better than my orgasms?" She teases and jumps into the hot water to soothe her aching muscles.

"Right now? Yes."

"I can't hear you! The shower is too loud. I'll just assume you said nothing can ever top my orgasms," she calls out playfully even though she clearly heard the teasing woman.


Emma and Regina have their backs against the headboard, diving brutally into a pint of Rocky Road, talking about anything and everything before they are separated in two short days.

Absorbing, memorizing, relishing in all the other has to offer.

"You did not," Emma mocks and dips her spoon into the ice cream once again. "You are such a goodie two-shoes."

Regina laughs and snatches the pint away from her utensil even though Emma still manages to snake a bite in time. "Don't be mean! I did, I packed a backpack full of granola bars and ran away," she defends with the most serious facial expression she can manage, because she is definitely trying to hide a smile.

"Where did you run away to?" She questions before sliding the spoon into her mouth and smiling from ear to ear.

"The park. I climbed to the top, where the slide was, and the canopy from above was to keep me hidden. I set my backpack down and unpacked a granola bar," Regina proudly states.

Emma leans in dangerously close, but her girlfriend chooses to pretend like she's not there, breathing down her neck while she happily scoops more ice cream into her mouth.

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