Chapter Two

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Her feet ache, but worst of all, her baggy scrubs smell like the sterile stench of hospital and her head is pounding from the lack of sleep and food in her system. She hastily rips open her purse and digs through the mess for her keys, a metaphor of what a mess her life has become as of lately.

"Oh thank god," she breathes, plucking the golden key from the bottom of her purse.

She slides the jagged edge into the doorknob and allows the door to swing open on its own. She stumbles hazardously into the doorway and leans heavily against the frame. She kicks off her sneakers and moans shamelessly from the feeling of her feet finally free from their prisons. She lazily pushes herself off the door, drops her purse on the side table and shuffles into her apartment, the door easily slamming shut on its own.

The sounds of hushed whispering catches her attention, sending a wave of paranoia to wrack through her body. She furrows her eyebrows and follows the faint voices toward her bedroom. Her heart is rapidly beating making breathing a difficult task. Her palms begin to sweat as her mouth somehow dries up instantly and a chill runs down her spine the closer she steps toward her bedroom in fear of what she might find.

She leans against the door and listens to rustling around and then her heart plummets to the pit of her stomach when she hears her fiancé's voice, accompanied by hers. Her palm instinctively smacks against the door, swinging the heavy wood wide open until it collides viciously with the wall behind.

The rustling stops and she is greeted with her half-naked fiancé, balancing on one foot as he attempts to replace his sock, because yes, that's the item of clothing that should be put on during this circumstance. Brown eyes immediately flick to her, his ex, completely naked, with only a sheet to cover the woman up, her sheet...kneeling on her bed.

Her head begins shaking to its own accord while her lips press firmly together and hot, red rage burns rapidly through her blood as she glares at the disgusting scene before her.

"You son of a bitch!" She growls, murderously stealing one step forward.

"Regina, please," her fiancé pleads while his foot drops down to the floor and he scrambles to be by her side.

On instinct, Regina steps to the side to dodge his unwelcome touch. "Don't!" She sternly commands, holding out her hand to still his anxious steps toward her. Her cold glare drifts to the woman that always made her skin crawl, provoking her upper lip to twitch with disgust. "You," she growls and takes a generous step closer to the bed, inspiring the woman to stumble back. "You whore. You two are meant for one another. Enjoy a life together where you both fuck around on each other. You win Marian, Robin is all yours. Now get the fuck out of my apartment," she bellows through one long breath.

"Regina, stop it," Robin demands only further infuriating her.

She quickly rushes toward him and slams her palms against his bare chest, causing him to stumble back. Her index finger pokes out into the space between them and shakes anxiously in his face.

"Don't. Don't you dare say a fucking word to try and justify any of this. I should have listened to my mother the first time you cheated on me with Marian," she fires off, her entire body shaking in pure rage as she closes her fists and slams them brutally against his chest once again, but to her surprise he catches her wrists.

"Calm down, Regina, let me try and explain-"

"Explain what?" She rages as she attempts to rip her hands free from his clutches, but he's so much stronger. "You're naked, she's naked and this room reeks of sex. There's nothing you can say to make this okay," she explains, her voice beginning to tremble, so she swallows quickly hoping to bite back the tears that are threatening to leak.

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