Chapter Ten

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The warm gentle glow from the moon is spilling through the tiny window. Her wild golden waves are cascading perfectly down her long, naked back. The sheet is dipping low, just barely covering her firm bottom, exposing a few beauty marks scattered across her porcelain flesh and each one calls to her, begging to be kissed. Her head is tilted to the side, but the majority of her face is buried deep into a white fluffy pillow, portraying an extra comfy cloud. Her arms are tucked beneath the pillow and she looks absolutely spent, thoroughly fucked.

Her heart skips a beat.

Regina's hand dips into her back pocket to retrieve her phone. Her fingers work on their own to unlock the device while her eyes stay strained to the sleeping blonde, needing to soak up every second she has left. Brown eyes flick down to open the camera on her phone before she quickly snaps her attention right back to Emma. She hesitates, morals and concerns of privacy flash across her mind, but only for a brief moment before she snaps a picture to remember her by because truthfully, in this moment, Emma has never looked so stunning.

From the first moment Emma declared that her parents took her in, she was hers. She stole her heart even though Regina berated herself every day for being so foolish. The sole purpose of the trip was to clear her head of Robin, along with her apartment. She swore she would never allow someone in so close to her heart again, but here she is, seven days into knowing this woman...woman nonetheless, and she is absolutely in too deep.

The entire trip she has been clinging onto Emma as though she is the oxygen she needs to breathe, the heart she needs to pump her blood, the energy she needs to wake up every day and face the heartache that still lingers and stings from the damage Robin caused.

She's an absolute fool, but she needs more time with this astonishing woman. What they have is unique, rare, and so damn breathtaking that she knows she can't just carelessly toss this away. Emma has awakened a side of her that only her parents have ever been granted permission to see. Not even Robin was special enough to show her true colors around, but this woman, this Emma Swan, cracked open her heart and soul with barely blinking an eye.

Now, she's standing over the bed pleading with her feet to just move. It's been fifteen minutes and if she doesn't leave now, she will inevitably miss her flight.

Her head swims with endless possibilities of her and Emma spending the summer together. Her head pounds murderously when she thinks about walking out that door and risking the chance of never seeing the beautiful blonde again. Her chest constricts painfully tight, forcing her to gasp for air. Her palms are growing slick. Her body is beginning to tremble from the whiplash of her uncertain thoughts and she's starting to panic.

Her eyes fill with hot tears, face pinching together from the pain shooting through her heart. She shakes her head and curses herself for being such an imbecile and without another thought, her hand pops open and drops the bag to the floor with a soft thump. She kicks off her shoes and slowly crawls into the warm and inviting space beside Emma. She gently rests her head upon the bare shoulder and cautiously she slips beneath the sheets.

She covers their bodies with the quilt and holds Emma close, breathing in her scent of sunscreen and sex. Her body instantly relaxes from the warmth and familiarity of it all and stops trembling. Her mind finally stops racing and she feels like she can finally breathe again. Her lips pucker and lightly brush against the heated back, she sighs in content. And within a couple of heartbeats, her eyes flutter closed from the lack of sleep and exhaustion from her mind attempting to make a decision.


"Regina! Regina! Wake up!"

"What?" She groans, peeking just one heavy eye open against the bright light blinding into the small room.

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