Chapter Four

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A faint sound of knocking echoes in the back of her mind, but the warmth surrounding her body is too cozy to even think about caring. So, she snuggles, unconsciously, in closer toward her soft pillow that smells of calming lavender and scoots closer to the heat that's enveloping her body like a velvety heating blanket.

She inhales sharply and sighs as the knock proceeds to thump away, somewhere in her mind, passed the dreams that she wishes she could float back to.

"Emma? Are you up, honey? It's time to start the day. Rocinante is waiting," the gentle voice of a caring man rings in her ears.


What a sweet man. And his wife. And his...


Her body instantly flings forward in bed like a broken jack in the box, causing her heart to race with panicked adrenaline. "Shit!"

The most enchanting sound of a content moan stirs beside her, placing her under a temporary spell. Her eyes slowly drift down to the most gorgeous woman she has ever seen, and she becomes fixated on all that is Regina. She absorbs the moment of the woman's flawless face, still asleep and unguarded unlike the expressions Regina displayed last night. There's a faint smile ghosting around her plump lips and Emma can only assume she's lost in a dream.


The knock is more forceful this time, cracking through the enchanting spell that has her eyes mesmerized by the woman beside her.

"Uh, yeah....Henry...I'm up," she shouts through the door, hopelessly praying that her voice sounds calm and in control despite her erratic heart beat and the sheer panic prickling below her skin.

Regina stirs, her body instinctively squirming closer toward the heat to keep her mind asleep, just as Emma's body did moments ago. The woman's nose presses against Emma's bare thigh and suddenly she's all too aware of how naked she is beneath the thin t-shirt.

"Oh good, are you decent? May I come in?" His voice booms through the air and sends her heart into a panic mode that terrifies her very soul.

"I-uh..." her eyes take in the intimate moment between her and Regina and her mind draws completely blank.

Nothing registers. Words would be useful right now. Anything.

Another delicious moan breaks from Regina's lips forcing her warm breath to kiss Emma's bare thigh. Ice cold chills breaks along her flesh and tickle her spine, generating a deep shudder to wrack her body.

What is this woman doing to her?

They just met last night...

Regina's eyes flutter open and for that split second before reality kicks in, she smiles against Emma's thigh. She freezes and watches intently as Regina's mind slowly explains the events that occurred last night and ultimately where she is right now. Those big brown eyes double in size and then Regina's quickly scrambling away.

"Emma," she heartlessly acknowledges causing Emma's blood to run cold.

"Hi," she mutters shyly just as there's another rapid knock against the door that threatens to beat down the damn thing if Emma doesn't answer soon.

"Emma dear, are you feeling alright this morning?" Henry questions, his fatherly tone present and full of compassionate concern.

"Daddy," Regina murmurs under her breath and tugs the sheet higher up to protect her lower region.

Emma's heart races, unsure of what her next move should be. Does she invite the persistent man inside and hope that maybe he will be so enthralled to see his daughter that he will ignore the fact that both are completely naked from the waste down? Or does she pretend she's sick today and pray he just goes away?

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