Chapter Thirty

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"Regina?" Emma calls through their apartment as she finishes arranging an assortment of cheese and crackers onto a tray for their guests.

It seems Cora taught the young blonde well in the past year, how to properly feed any person that steps into her home. The older woman was constantly filling Emma's stomach to its max potential with all kinds of mouth-watering food. Emma and Regina have been back in New York for two weeks now and she finds herself constantly leaving out food for Regina to pick on.

She misses Cora more than she ever thought possible.


"No need to shout, dear," Regina seductively taunts in her ear, causing her to jump from the unexpected appearance. Her fiancé places a sweet kiss to her cheek and sweeps right passed her with their baby on her hip. "What happened here? I don't remember bringing my mother home from Sicily."

"Very funny," she deadpans, swiftly lifting the tray of snacks to place in the living room. "Alright kid, you going to be good for me and momma?" She interrogates their five-month-old with the most pointed look she can attempt with his adorable chubby cheeks and bright eyes staring back at her.

"He's always good," Regina quickly defends before she attacks his cheek with playfully kisses, generating the most adorable baby giggles.

A rapid knock against the door, tears through their silly family moment and kick starts Emma's heart. Adrenaline pumps fiercely through her veins as a cold sweat breaks along the back of her neck. She freezes as her nerves get the best of her, but Regina senses her despair right away and squeezes her hand for moral support.

Emma nods, because sometimes they don't need words to communicate. She shuffles toward the front door and takes a deep breath before swinging it wide open.

"Ems!" Her father cheerfully greets her with a wide, toothy grin while Neal smiles shyly next to him. Her dad swoops her up as if she's still a little girl and lifts her off the ground. She buries her face into the crook of his neck and inhales the familiar scent of his strong cologne. "I'm so glad you're home. I missed you, baby girl."

"I know, dad," she breathes and basks in the comfort of her father's loving embrace a little longer.

"Hey Ems," Neal softly murmurs as he shoves his hands into his jean pockets, nervous as ever.

"Hi Neal," she replies as her dad gently places her feet back onto the ground. "Come on in," she invites them politely and steps aside for them to enter. Despite the joyful reunion between her and her father, there's still some residual tension lingering in the air between them. She softly closes the door behind them and takes another deep breath to settle her nerves. "Shoes off," she instructs and rolls her eyes at herself for still following Cora's rules.

"Shoes off?" Her dad chuckles as he obediently slips off his sneakers. "You never used to take your shoes off."

"Sorry, just a habit now," she mutters mostly to herself and attempts to wave off the situation. "So," she sighs heavily and nervously twirls her engagement ring around her finger. "Regina and Henry are right this way in the living room," she motions toward the larger room and steps between her ex and her father to lead the way.

"Great, I can't wait to meet my grandson," David happily states while Neal remains unnervingly quiet.

She can only imagine what is rattling around in that brain of his. This is a big moment and a lot to take in. Granted, Neal has had five months now to become accustomed to the idea of being a father, but now reality is there and he's about to meet his five-month-old son. She can only assume how nervous he is and maybe even upset that he missed out on the beginning of their son's life.

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