Chapter Three

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"Emma, darling," Cora sighs heavily and Emma can very clearly feel the woman's frustrations rolling off her tense shoulders seeking her out, ready to scold her. "You have to bond with Rocinante to gain his trust. Your work around the barn has been exquisite, but you can no longer neglect our horse."

"I know," she exhales loudly and squeezes her eyes shut to calm the embarrassment creeping up her neck. "I'm trying, I swear," she pleads with the kind woman, slightly panicking that she might finally fire her ass.

"I know darling, but you have to try harder," Cora states firmly while she gently caresses the white fur that coats the horse's nose. "Give me your hand," she commands with her palm open, waiting patiently for Emma's.

Her hand trembles violently as she reaches out for Cora's open palm and the older woman doesn't waste a moment to latch on and hold her hand securely in hers. Emma's heart is racing faster than this horse ever could while Mrs. Mills is gently guiding her hand toward Rocinante's nose. She stares into those big black eyes and she knows that damn horse is judging her, eyeing her warily in the process. Cora glides her hand down the soft white patch that runs the width of his nose and she tenses immediately.

"Cora, Emma? There you two are. It's rather late, why don't you two come inside to eat dinner," Cora's husband, Henry, suggests generously with his big, brow, puppy dog eyes beating with affection as he peeks inside the barn.

Emma smiles at the balding man, partly because of how caring and gentle he truly is, but also because he just saved her ass from bonding with this wild and unpredictable creature.

"Of course, dear, I was just trying to help Emma connect with Rocinante," Cora explains just as she releases Emma's hand and the blonde's instincts take over, forcing her hand to snap back to her side.

The older man chuckles his deep belly laugh and smiles fondly at her and the way he gazes upon her reminds her so much of her own father. At times this expression causes an ache in her heart and for her to miss her father deeply, but mostly, it comforts her and makes her feel safe while she is away from her dad in a foreign country.

"Come on inside, tomorrow morning we will spend the day getting to know Rocinante," Henry declares as he opens his arm for his wife to crawl inside. He drapes his arm around her shoulders as she wraps her arms around his midsection and maybe it's because they are both rather short, but she finds them so adorable. Mr. Mills nods toward the barn door and she smiles in return, following the lovely couple back to their home. "Emma, why do you fear Rocinante?"

Her nose crinkles subconsciously from the question and without thinking she scuffs her shoe against the old dirt path. "I had a bad experience with a horse one time," she mumbles mostly to herself, because she hates telling this story, it's far too embarrassing.

"Care to elaborate, dear," Cora smirks with her condescending undertone dripping from her words knowing damn well she doesn't care to elaborate.

Emma shoves her hands roughly into the back of her jean's pockets and groans internally. "I was really little, and my dad put me on a pony and the thing was wild and antsy and tried to buck me off."

"Was this at a stable?" Henry curiously inquires without a hint of judgment which makes this conversation even worse.

"No," she murmurs under her breath.

"What was that, dear, we are getting old here and our hearing just isn't the same," Cora muses playfully, inspiring green eyes to roll in annoyance.

"No, no it wasn't at a stable," she huffs and clenches the denim of her pockets as embarrassment ripples through her body. "We were at a festival and they had those ponies that walk around in a circle," she barely whispers under her breath. 

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