Chapter Eight

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The rising sun spills through the curtains and warms her eyelids, encouraging them to open and greet the day. She stretches out her sleepy legs and arms with a small groan when she acknowledges the weight against her chest. Her eyes slowly peel open to discover wild raven tresses flowing all around her naked body.

Her lips crack into a wide smile as she pulls the woman in closer and kisses the crown of her head. She has never felt this way before with another person. She's falling and she knows she is. She's sitting by, watching herself fall hopelessly for this woman, a woman she just met five days ago. It's insane. It's childish. It's irrational. It's the greatest feeling ever. She feels this magnetic pull to constantly be around her. She's playful and silly, something she has never been before when she was with Neal and yet she never wants it to stop.

She knows Regina has to leave in two short days, but she just can't seem to distance herself to cushion the blow when she does leave. She knows already that her heart will break the moment she says goodbye, but it's not like she could ever ask the girl to stay. Not only does Regina have school, but Emma will be leaving in two months anyways.

Regina suddenly groans and stretches in her sleep, pressing her sticky core from last night's activities against Emma's hip. This is day number two that she has awaken this way and it's her new favorite way to wake up in the morning.

Still in her deep slumber, Regina's thick lips pucker out and press a gentle kiss to Emma's bare breast before she cuddles even closer into her side.

"Well, good morning to you, too," Emma chuckles, but the sleepy girl only hums in response. She's starting to think that maybe Regina's not a morning person. She wraps her arms around her and slowly drags her nails up and down Regina's bicep, pulling out another soft moan in response. "I think it's time to get up," she whispers, but Regina doesn't answer and she's fairly confident this woman is playing her favorite game again. "I'm thinking we pack a picnic and spend the day at the beach," she divulges on her plans for the day, hoping to coax those sleepy eyes to pop open, but it's useless.

Emma carefully moves the small frame off her body and rests Regina's back against the mattress. She smirks, placing her hands on either side of the brunette's shoulders, careful her body doesn't touch the woman in any way. She thinks there might be a ghost of a smile lurking upon those plump lips, but she's damn good at playing dead asleep.

Emma hovers over her face and lightly grazes her lips against Regina's, barely enough to even qualify as a kiss. Already her heart thumps anxiously within her chest. Her head dips a little lower and places a delicate kiss to her neck, just below her jawline, and this one earns her a small groan. She travels a little further down, never actually touching skin, but enough where Regina can feel the warm breath gliding across her flesh.

Emma finds her next destination, right between the valley of two small, but perky breasts, so she applies another sweet kiss. Her head swings to the right, so she can peck a hardening nipple and then she repeats her action to her other perky bud pleading for attention.

This time, she buries her face just below where the breast ends and nips the soft flesh between her ribs. Emma inhales the sweet scent that's a mix of floral body wash and sex from last night. She pops her mouth open against the silky skin, slowly absorbing her taste before she drags her lower lip against the flesh again, until she encloses another kiss right there. From there on, she trails wet, open-mouthed kisses down the taut abdomen until she reaches her new favorite destination.

Green eyes glance up at the sleeping brunette, biting back her laughter, because she knows Regina's too good at this pretending to be asleep game. So, she continues with her journey. She knows Regina is sore from last night, she doesn't even have to look at the smooth lips, slightly swollen from her rough fingers. With this in mind, Emma pops open her mouth and bites down on the hood of Regina's mound.

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