Target Trip

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~Time skip to night before Theo's birthday sponsored by a lazy author~

"Goodnight, Philip. Love you." Eliza said as she laid a kiss on his head and tucked him into bed.

"Night, Mama. Love you too."

"Goodnight, Philip. I love you." Alexander said as he also kissed Philip's head and hugged him.  Alex and Eliza began to exit Philip's room to retire to their own bedrooms.

"Night, Pops. Lov-WAIT!!" Philip shouted.

"Shhhh! Philip, we just got your brother and sister to go to bed." Eliza whisper-shouted as she made her way to Philip's bed.  

"I just remembered that Theo's birthday party is tomorrow."

Alexander scowled at the very thought of that dreadful birthday party and asked his son, "What about it?"

"I didn't get her a present!"

"I completely forgot about that. I even put it on the calendar!" Eliza ranted.

"Well, guess you can't go to the birthday party." Alexander fake sighed while smiling victoriously.

"But, I really wanted to go." Philip whined and gave puppy dog eyes to his parents.

"You are going and we will get Theo a present." Eliza said confidently.

"But-" Alexander began.

"No buts about it. I'll call Angelica to watch the kids while we go to Target."

"Yay!" Philip cheered as he got out of bed to get his shoes on.

"Eliza, be reasonable. It's eight thirty, don't you think Philip should be in bed. Don't you think we should be in bed." Alex said with a wink.

Eliza blushed, his flirtations still make her blush after all these years of marriage. 

"Philip, are you tired?"

"Nope, wide awake. Can I wear my pjs to Target?"

"Sure." Eliza laughed as she walked over to her son and ruffled his hair.  Philip began putting his shoes on over his onesie. To say the least, he looked absolutely adorable.

"Ready to go?" Eliza asked her husband. He sighed, there really was no stopping his wife when she put her mind to something.  

"Where are you goin?" mumbled a small voice in the doorway.

"Alexander Jr, what are you doing up?" Eliza asked the small child.

"I heard Philip scream so I came to see what was going on."

"I didn't think I was that loud." Philip mumbled.

Soon Angelica came to see what was the racket down the hall with James Alexander holding her hand.

"What's going on?" Angelica asked while rubbing at her eyes.

Eliza sighed, "Father, Philip and I have to go out. Auntie Angie is coming over to watch you guys.  We'll be back soon. I promise."

Eliza ushered the children back to bed and called Angelica, who said she would be over in five minutes.

"Thank you for coming at such short notice, Angie." Eliza thanked her sister as the three Hamiltons prepared to leave for Target.

"Of course, anytime. I love my nieces and nephews." Angelica said as she reached down and messed up Philip's hair.

"Why does everyone always touch my hair?" Philip wondered out loud.

The adults laughed at Philip's cuteness and the three Hamiltons began their journey to Target. 

~At Target~

"Remind me again why we have to be at Target at 9 pm?" Alexander whined once again to his wife.

Eliza pulled her husband into a hug and murmured, "I know. But Philip really needs a birthday gift for Theo's party tomorrow."

"We are doing this for a Burr?!" Alexander pulled away from his wife to give her a shocked face.

"Yes, we've been over this like ten times. Did you even get sleep last night?" Eliza asked while gently placing her hand on the bags under Alexander's eyes.

"Yes, in fact, I got a full 40 minutes!" Alex said proudly.

Eliza facepalmed at this statement but honestly was not surprised. "Please promise me you will try to get a decent amount of sleep tonight." she begged.

Alex look at Eliza's pleading face and his heart softened a little, "Of course I'll try. Anything for you." Only she could make his heart melt like that with a single look.



"Even making amends with Burr?"

"Okay, I'm changing the rule. Anything that is possible."

Eliza laughed at this and Alexander joined in with her as their curly haired child walked over to them.

"Mommy, do you think Theo would like this?" Philip asked while holding up a race car set. Eliza giggled at her son while bending down so she could see eye to eye with Philip. She had no problem of course with girls playing with cars but at the moment Theo was going through that princess phase and she could never imagine Theo appreciating a race car set as a gift.

"Well, I think that would be a great present but Theo's mom told me she loves princesses so, how about we get her a princess related gift?" Eliza suggested.

"Okay! I wanna get the perfect present." Philip replied enthusiastically.

"Then you should get her an encyclopedia." Alexander recommended. "Or even a dictionary so she can expand her vocabulary."

"Alex, this is an eight year old girl we are talking about, not you." Eliza replied. "Now, c'mon. Let's go get this gift."

Eliza grabbed Philip's hand and they navigated through the crowd in order to get to the princessy part of Target.

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