The Aftermatch of the Aftermatch

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A/N: Thank you to Theicemakemage136 for suggesting an AMAZING idea! THEIR IDEA WAS AMAZING AND I CAN'T THANK THEM ENOUGH BECAUSE WRITERS BLOCK IS SO MEAN!!! (This whole chapter was their idea!)

(p.s. sorry for not updating, no excuses besides that I suck)

~At Jefferson's mansion~

"What are we having for breakfast, Papa?" Martha asked, sluggishly trudging down the stairs. 

"If it's not cinnamon rolls, I swear-" John, her brother, began to mutter.

"Eggs," Thomas answered. Although he had many servants that could cook for him, Thomas preferred to do it himself. 

"Other Dad," Martha said, turning towards James, "Take sense to him. We need sugar!"

"Cinnamon rolls?" James tried, though he knew there was no use.

"No," Thomas replied, "Pure protein is what growing children need."

"Growing children need sugar!" Martha shouted, stomping her foot on the polished floor.

While Martha and James snuck away to the pantry to take all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms, Thomas felt a buzz in his pocket. He grabbed his phone out from his pocket. Instantly upon reading a text, a smile appeared on his face. 

"What are you smiling about?" James asked.

Thomas' grin widened. "'Congratulations, Thomas! You so deserve to be PTA president. I could never do it as well as you could. Heart emoji,'" Thomas read.

"And that's from?"



"Yes!" Thomas shoved his phone in front of James' face to prove so.

"This can not be real," James said, reading over the texts.

"Oh, but it is!" Thomas screenshotted the texts for later arguments. "I mean obviously it isn't really him. I cannot wait to use this against him."

"The heart emoji, though," James laughed, "Alexander would never be caught dead using emojis."

"That's what makes it even better." Thomas placed his phone on the kitchen table and continued to crack eggs. Both Thomas' and James' phones dinged at the same time. They shared a glance before hurridly picking them up.

As soon as Thomas opened the text, he flung his phone across the room with a hiss. "What did I just see?"

James set his phone on the table, staring off somewhere. "I don't know, but I am scared."

"He just ruined Snapchat filters for me forever." They sat in a strange silence, both processing what they'd just seen. Thomas interrupted it, "You know... this could also be blackmail."

"Only if one of us looks at it again. And let me guess, you want me to do it?" James grumbled.

"Please, Jemmy, Jamesies, honey, babe, bae, munchkin, sweet-"

"Fine! Just stop with the nicknames. The cheesiness is giving me a headache." James apprehensively picked up his phone and swiftly saved the photo. Once finished, he chucked his phone across the room with a shudder. "You owe me. Big time."

"Will cinnamon rolls make it better?"

"CINNAMON ROLLS!!" Martha and John screeched from the other room. Within point five seconds of the words leaving Thomas' mouth, they were in the kitchen.

"Nothing can erase that." The image flashed in his mind and he shuddered again. 

"Sugar helps though," Thomas said, patting him on the head, "Sugar helps."

~Meanwhile, at the Burr's house~

"DAaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddd!" Theo screeched.

Aaron groaned and flipped onto the other side of the bed. "Ask mom."

"She left for work. Now, get me sprinkles for breakfast, or else," Theo threatened.

"Or else what?"

"I call Mr. Hammy Ham and leave you to answer it."

He sat bolt upright. His daughter stood in the doorway, her fingers about to press the keypad. "Alright, alright. Just hand over the phone."

She threw it on the bed and raced downstairs, beyond excited for sprinkles. "Oh, by the way, you got some texts," she called up the stairs.

Aaron shrugged, deciding to respond to them after breakfast. He followed after his daughter. Theo was already waiting at the breakfast bar with a bowl ready, whip cream in hand. Aaron grabbed the sprinkles from the top shelf of the pantry and dumped some in Theo's bowl like it was cereal. He also poured some for himself.

Theo poured the whole bowl into her mouth, not even bothering with a spoon. Aaron shoveled some in his mouth and opened his text messages. "What the..." Theo glanced at him, waiting for him to say a swear so she could say it too and use the excuse, 'Daddy said it so I can too.'

"Heck," he finished. Theo squirted whipped cream into her mouth, disappointed.

"Wut's wong?" she questioned, with whipped cream still in her mouth.

"Alexander just sent me a ton of poop emojis." He showed her the screen and she snatched it from him.

"Well, obviously he's challenging you to an emoji battle." Theo typed away at the phone before Aaron was able to steal it back.

"What did you just do?"

"Won the battle for you," she replied. 

"Sending a bunch of puppy emojis is winning?"

"You know what they say, kill 'em with cuteness." Theo shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure the saying is, kill 'em with kindness," Aaron corrected.

"But... puppies."

"Whatever. Alexander probably won't even respond. He's one of those people."

"Ugh, yeah, those people," Theo agreed.

"You wouldn't know." Aaron bent down and began tickling her. "You don't even have a phone."

Theo shrieked and wriggled out of his grasp. "Fine, fine! You're right."

"I always am." Aaron glanced at his phone again only to see the most cursed image to ever grace the Earth.

Seeing the horrified expression on her dad's face, Theo asked, "What is it?"

Without answering, Aaron walked out of the kitchen and to the garage. He returned with a hammer.

"What are you-" Theo's question was cut off as Aaron smashing his phone to bits with the hammer. "W-what was that for?" Theo asked, completely bewildered. "And does this mean that I can do it too?"

Theo attempted to pry the hammer out of his hands, but Aaron had a tight grip on it. "No, you can't. The only reason I did that was that I needed to permanently delete a.... monstrosity."

"What did he send?" Theo asked.

"Nothing good, honey, nothing good." Aaron shook his head sadly.

Theo shrugged it off and went to steal the sprinkles before her dad noticed they weren't in the pantry.

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