Burrthday Party Part 3

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~Meanwhile, at the Hamilton residence~

"Angelica, where are you?" Peggy called to her niece. Angelica held her hand against her mouth to keep herself from giggling. Long coats and jackets surrounded her in the tight closet that she was hiding in. She moved back a step into the closet, behind all the jackets and coats, in case her aunt decided to check the closet. Forgetting that she was standing on a box, she began to fall into the depths of the closet. Her arms flailed around for something to keep her from falling as a shout of surprise escaped her lips. Angelica managed to grab a coat in both hands which stopped her fall into the closet. She breathed a sigh of relief and began to pull herself up to the box using the coats. Maybe Peggy hadn't heard it, she silently hoped. As she continued pulling herself up, the hangers began to give way and the coats slipped off of them.

"No!" Angelica excailmed as she and the coats fell to the closet floor. If Peggy hadn't heard her scream, she certainly heard this.

"Aha!" Peggy shouted triumphantly while swinging open the closet door.

"Ah, shucks! You found me." Angelica accepted her defeat from beneath the coats that had toppled down on her.

Peggy swung the six-year-old girl from the floor to her arms. "Have you found anyone else?" Angelica asked.

"Only James Alexander. He was hiding under a blanket." Peggy answered.

"Oh, the old 'if I can't see you, you can't see me' tactic." Angelica said.

Peggy nodded.

"What about Auntie Angie? Did she find anyone?"

"Nope. Alexander Jr. is still hid-" Peggy was interrupted by a loud crash upstairs.

"Found you!" Auntie Angie cried as Alexander Jr. raced downstairs.

"You have to catch me first!" Alexander Jr. yelled while running into the living room where Peggy and Angelica were.

"You little devil!" Aunt Angie said, chasing after him.

Alexander Jr. got on top of the coffee table and stuck his tongue out at his Aunt. Angelica and Peggy couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Alexander Hamilton Jr.! Get off that coffee table right now!" Aunt Angelica scolded him.

Alexander put his legs off the table and was about to get off when he accidentally knocked the tea set off the table. Tea cups flew into the air and smashed to the ground. The tea pot with boiling hot tea inside, flew into pieces when it made contact with the ground. The tea exploded from the broken cups and pot and it leaked all over the hardwood floor.

Alexander Jr. leaped off the table and said, "I didn't do it!" He stepped away from the scene of the crime with his hands raised.

"Alex, we all saw you do it." his aunt said in a gentle tone. "It's okay though considering that we aren't supposed to be running around the house in the first place but we did that anyways."

"That was Mommy's favorite tea set." Angelica said while looking down at the broken mess in horror.

"Of course it was." Peggy murmured under her breath.

"Alright," Auntie Angie said, thinking of a plan. "here's what we'll do. Peggy, go get James Alexander. I'll bring these two into my car. Kids, how would you like to take a trip to the pottery shop?"

~At the Burr Household~

"Cake time!" Theo yelled excitedly. A chorus of cheers erupted from the other kids.

"I'll grab the cake." Aaron said before rushing into the kitchen to put candles on the cake.

"Alright, how about the you kids all sit down at the table. Mr. Burr will be out with the cake shortly." Theodosia said to the children.

"Laurens!" Alexander shouted to his old friend. "I didn't know you were here!"

John turned to his friend and immediately wrapped him in a hug. "I haven't seen you since..." John thought for a moment, "Actually I don't know when but like forever." John laughed.

"Group hug!" Lafayette said as he joined in which caused both John and Alex to laugh.

"Don't forget me!" Hercules said as he also joined in.

"Man, have I missed you guys." Alex said while breaking away from the group hug.

Aaron watched this from the kitchen with a wistful expression on his face. He missed those nights in college when they would all go out together and get so drunk that nothing mattered but the moment that they were in. Those were the good old days before Alex and Aaron were competing for top student, and before Jefferson and Madison arrived at the university. Aaron sighed while looking away from the scene. He shouldn't dwell on the past because, well, it's in the past.

A flame leaped from the lighter and Aaron spread it from one candle wick to the next until there were nine dancing flames. Neon pink frosting spelt 'Happy Birthday Princess Theo' in a fancy cursive font. Aaron walked out with the cake in his hands, being very careful not to trip. Theodosia turned off the lights and a hush fell over everyone. Aaron gently placed the cake in front of his daughter, who smiled at him excitedly.

Everyone began singing to Theo. Even if it was slightly off key, the thought was there. Once the final "Happy birthday to you!" was sang, Theo blew out her candles and made her birthday wish.

"Can we eat the cake now?" John Madison asked.

"Yep." Aaron said with a chuckle as he began cutting the cake.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was just kinda filler. But next chapter will hopefully be better! Have an AMAZING day!!

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