"Lazy" Sunday

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A/N: I hope everyone's doing okay and you and all your family's are safe!! <3 Sorry that I never update LOL. I only keep this going cuz my one fan, Mimi, would kill me if I didn't. hahaha help. (Happy friendship anniversary hehe this is your present you punk)

I wanna try to finish this book so let me know what you want me to wrap up! Any plotlines that I've forgotten about or conflicts that are unresolved or characters you want to see more of or ships that have yet to sail or anything honestly! I have a rough plan but I'm open to suggestions!

"Can you believe the nerve of that worker?" Alexander asked angrily. "Asking me if the aloe was for my face! Like DUH! Didn't need to point it out, Walmart cashier working a dead-end job into your inevitable grave!"

"I know, honey, I know," Eliza agreed, slathering aloe onto her hand and rubbing it gently on Alex's face.

"Mommy?" Alexander Jr. asked, appearing by her side.

"Yes, baby?" She looked down at him for a moment before returning to her work.

"What are we doing today? I'm bored!"

"We're just hanging out at the house today," she replied, screwing the aloe container closed.

"That's boring!" AJ protested. Suddenly, as if the answer to his prayers, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" He rushed off to answer the door, hoping that it would be someone that could cure his boredom.

Alexander and Eliza exchanged looks. "Are you expecting someone?" They both asked each other before laughing at the coincidence.

"Thank you, Mr. Postman!" The front door slammed shut and Alexander Jr. returned with a small package. "Look! Mama and Papa, look!" He ran up to his parents, waving the tiny box in his hand. "The postman gave me this!"

"What is that?" Eliza squinted at the object in her son's hand, trying to recall if she had ordered anything recently.

"Oh." Alexander got up quickly, seeming to recognize whatever was in the box, and attempted to take the package from AJ.

"Papa, no!" he shouted, clutching the box close to his chest. "Mr. Postman gave this to me!"

"What's in that, Alexander?" Eliza's tone was nervous, her mind flashback to the whole lizard fiasco.

He didn't answer her. Instead, kneeling down beside AJ. "Hey, buddy," he said with a warm smile.

"Hi, father." AJ did not return the smile, keeping his grip on the small box tight.

"Can I please have that package?" He pointed to it gingerly.

"It's mine! Mr. Postman gave it to me!" AJ turned away from his father.

"What is in that?" Eliza repeated, her voice rising with fear.

Neither her husband or son acknowledged her presence. "AJ, it's dangerous-" His words were cut off as AJ tore into the packaging, revealing a small device of some sort.

Philip, Angelica, and James all came running down the stairs, laughing at some joke. Their laughter died off rather quickly though as they noticed the odd silence of their other family members.

Philip was the first to break it, walking over to Alexander Jr. and his dad. "What's going on?" He plucked the device out of AJ's hands easily. "Ooooo! Did we finally get a private jet?" Upon further inspection, the device looked like a calculator of some sort with one large button, a pad of numbers 0-9 and a screen to see the numbers you typed in.

"No! Please don't touch that." Alex winced as Philip fiddled with the numbers aimlessly.

"Pip!" AJ shouted. "That's mine!" He held out his hand, waiting for his older brother to return his precious gift from the mailman.

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