Stress Baking

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A/N: OMG OMG OMG!! WE HIT 1K READS!!!! Thank you all so much for reading! ❤ Sorry, this chapter is awful but the next chapter should be better.

Alexander stepped out of his car and let out a long sigh. Could this day get any worse? Alexander thought to himself. Yes, the answer was yes.

"Alexander!" Eliza said, swinging open the door. "What took you so long?"

"Traffic." Alexander lied.

"3 hours of traffic?" Eliza asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"Yeah, it was really bad," Alexander answered sarcastically while walking past Eliza into the house.

"Can you give me a real answer?" Eliza asked.

"What do you want me to say? There was a long line at the grocery store?" Alexander retorted, his anger slowly growing. Though he knew he wasn't mad at Eliza and it was wrong of him to take it out on her, he couldn't seem to contain it much longer.

"Someone's in a bad mood," Eliza muttered as she shut the door.

"Yes, I am!" Alexander snapped at her.

"What is up with you today?" Eliza said, staring at him in shock. 

A tension-filled silence passed between the two before Alexander grumbled, "I have work to do." and stormed off to his office.

Eliza mimicked her husband and stormed into the kitchen dramatically. She began violently pulling out ingredients to make cookies. Ever since she was in college she had begun a habit of stress baking and at the moment she has a cookie craving. Whenever she had a huge test coming up or an essay due the next day that she had procrastinated on, she made cookies. Her sisters enjoyed it and everyone knew whenever they smelt the scrumptious smell of warm gooey chocolate chip cookies that Eliza was not in a good mood.

Except for Alexander Jr. "Mommy, can I lick the spoon?" he asked innocently, tugging at her dress.

Eliza handed her son the cookie dough filled spoon that she had used to mix it. Eliza took the other spoon and licked it for herself. "What's wrong, Mommy? You look sad." Alexander Jr. asked.

Eliza smiled down at her sweet child. "I'm good. Don't worry about me." She ruffled her son's hair. The oven beeped and Eliza took out the cookies. "How about you go grab your sister and brothers? We're having cookies for dinner." 

"Really?" Alexander Jr. said, looking up at her with bright eyes.   

"And get your father. I think he needs cookies too." Eliza said.

"Okay!" Alexander Jr. said, rushing off excitedly. "Philip! Angelica! James! Cookies!!" 

The response was loud feet running down the stairs. "You better not be joking," Angelica said once she was down the stairs.

"I don't joke about cookies." Alexander Jr. said seriously.

"Mama, Mama! Are there cookies?" James said, waddling into the kitchen.

Eliza responded by placing a warm cookie in his small hands. James stared down at it with wide eyes before shoving the whole thing in his mouth. "Philip set the table," Eliza ordered. Philip nodded excitedly and did as he was told. 

Alexander Jr. walked into his dad's office. "Daddy? Mama made dinner."

"Not right now, Alexander," Alex said, continuing to type.

"Mama made cookies." Alexander Jr. said. Alexander looked up from his computer and curiosity got the better of him so he agreed to go to dinner.

As soon as Philip finished, everyone sat down at the table. "Cookies? For dinner?" Alexander asked.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Philip said. "Don't question it." The kids shoved the cookies in their mouths before Eliza realized what she did.  

"I don't see you making dinner!" Eliza said with a glare at Alexander. 

Alexander quickly shut his yaps and popped a cookie in his mouth before disappearing back into his office. Eliza sighed and asked herself, "Do I even have a husband?"

"Yeah, he just went into the other room." Alexander Jr. explained. Eliza smiled at him and threw a cookie into her mouth.

"Mama? Can we have this for dinner every night?" Philip asked hopefully.

"No," Eliza said good-naturedly. "I just felt like cookies tonight."

"Well, you should feel like that more often," Philip concluded.

Eliza smiled at her son and went to clean up the kitchen. 

~Later that night~

"Alexander?" Eliza asked softly as she knocked gently on the door.

"Come in." He replied and for once his typing ceased.

Eliza opened the door and stood in front of her husband. "I'm so-" they both began.

"Go ahead. You can go first." Eliza said.

"I'm sorry, Eliza. I didn't mean to snap at you and it wasn't right of me. I know it's no excuse but I'm really stressed with work right now." Alexander apologized/lied. What was really bothering him was that infamous picture, Thomas in general and the guilt he felt every time he looked at Eliza. 

 "I forgive you," Eliza said.

No, I don't deserve forgiveness, Alexander thought. Eliza walked over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You know it will work out, right?" Eliza comforted.

"I know," Alex replied but his heart wasn't in it.  His mind was elsewhere worrying about things that Eliza couldn't know about.

"I have to tell you something," Eliza confessed.

"What is it?" Alexander asked looking up at her curiously. 

"I'm pregnant," Eliza said with a brilliant smile.

"What!? Really?!" Alexander said, hopping out of his seat and placing his hands on Eliza's not-yet-swollen stomach.

Eliza grinned even harder and nodded. "How long have you known?" Alexander asked excitedly. (Sorry not sorry for the reference)

"A week or so..." Eliza trailed off guiltily.

"ELIZA! You should have told me!" Alexander said, looking at his wife in shock.

"I only found out last week." Eliza defended.

"Still, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Alexander asked.

"You're always busy and I didn't know how you would react," Eliza said, a little embarrassed.

"I'll clear my whole schedule for my family," Alexander said. "and of course I'd be overjoyed!"

"I'm sorry," Eliza said, pulling him into a hug. 

"It's okay," Alexander said. "Actually, it's great! This is fantastic! Did you tell the kids yet?"

"No, I don't know how they'll react and tomorrow's the first day of school. I don't want to lay this on them now." Eliza confessed.

"Are you kidding me? They are gonna be so happy to have a little sister...... or brother." Alexander said.

"I see someone already has a preference." Eliza teased.

"I just want a daughter that likes me. Angelica hates my guts." Alex complained.

"She admires you." Eliza insisted.

"Sureee," Alexander said sarcastically. "What about names? I like Lauren or Abagail for a girl."

Eliza laughed at Alexander's eagerness as he continued planning baby names.

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