Dinner with the Jeffersons

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A/N: Sorry this took so long and this chapter is absolute trash oops. Anyways, I'm kinda terrified that so many of you found Philip wanting a blowtorch relatable... 

~8 hours later~


"Thomas!" Eliza exclaimed as she ran from the kitchen to answer the door. She swung it open and the Jeffmads children walked in.

"Kids!" Eliza called. "The Jefferson's are here!"

An ear-splitting shriek echoed around from Alexander's office as the Hamilton kids stampeded down the stairs. "Don't let him in Eliza!"

"Too late!" Thomas yelled back, dramatically sliding in through the door. Chicken Nugget barked at his heels. 

Alexander locked all the locks on his office door that he had installed just for this very reason. "Every man for themselves!"

"And woman!" Angelica added.

"The end is upon us!" Alexander panicked.

"I'm sorry, he doesn't normally act like this," Eliza apologized.

James and Thomas gave her an exasperated look. "Liza, you must have forgotten we work with him," Thomas said.

"Oh, um, he sometimes acts like this?" she offered.

"We all know that's not true," James stated.

"Yeah, I know," Eliza muttered defeatedly. "I think the oven just beeped. Let me go check it."

"Did you hear the oven beep?" James asked Thomas.


Eliza ran into the kitchen and opened basically all the cabinets (ArE yOu reAdY 4 a caBinEt meEtiNg?? sorry had to). "Found it!" she blurted out, pulling out a key. Long ago when Alexander and Eliza had the house built she had asked for a key that would open all doors within the house, just in case. Now, it came in plenty handy.

She walked to his office door and put the key in the lock. It unlocked with a click. Alexander screeched and something scraped against the office floor as he dragged something against it. "Don't open that door," Alexander hissed.

"Come out peacefully and I won't have to," Eliza challenged. 


"Wow, this is really entertaining. Is this what normally happens?" Thomas questioned, watching the events go down.

"You haven't even seen the half of it," Angelica muttered.

"I'm coming in. One... two... three!" Eliza slammed open the door. Alexander frantically fired a nerf gun at her while screaming hysterically.  

Eliza closed the door, realizing what she was up again. "Philip, load me up," she ordered. 

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am." He tossed her a Mega Blaster nerf gun, fully loaded. 

"Are you sure this is what normally happens?" James asked Angelica, semi-concerned.

"Yep, sometimes it's more intense though," she answered.

"Surrender now or face my wrath!" Eliza shouted at the door.

"I'd rather die!" Alexander retaliated.

Eliza swung the door open and sprayed Alexander, who was standing on his desk, with nerf darts. "Not the Mega Blaster!" Alexander yelled dramatically. He turned his own nerf gun to his head.

"No! Just come to dinner," Eliza said placing her gun on the floor and raising her hands in surrender.

"With Jefferson? I'd. rather. die," he hissed, aiming and firing at Eliza. 

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