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A/N: Everyone go check out @Bananut319 and their amazing art book! It is ssooooo good! Go give them some love! 

~Later that day, at the Hamilton household~

"I'm gonna go run some errands. See you later!" Alexander said as he hastily shoved some money into his pocket and sped out the door. 

"'Kay. Be back for dinner!" Eliza shouted from the kitchen. 

Here I go. Probably off to ruin my life, Alexander thought as he turned on the car.

~At Maria's home~

Alexander pulled up the car to a shabby apartment building. Trash littered the street and outside stood some 'thugs' with tattoos covering their arms smoking. The place just screamed "BAD VIBES!" Alex texted her so they could get out of there as soon as possible.

Alex: I'm outside, you ready?

Maria: B right there

Maria flung out the door in a hurry and speed walked towards the car. A bald man with big muscles flicked his cigarette on the ground and walked over to Maria. Alexander began to get out of the car to protect her before Maria swung her fist and punched him straight in the face. The man stood shocked at the events as Maria sprinted off to the car.

"Step on it." Maria commanded. Alex did as he was told and they took off down the road.

"That was impressive." Alex commented.

"You learn a thing or two when you live there." Maria answered with a sad smile. 

"You live there?" Alex asked her, momentarily taking his eyes off the road to look at her. Maria's mascara was smudged and dripping down her face. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Yeah." She replied shakily. 

"I'm so sorry, Maria. I didn't realize..." Alex trailed off.

"It's okay, really. I can deal with it. It's just Susan I'm worried about." She ranted as tears kept coming down her face. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I feel like I'm failing her as a mother. I can't even give her a good place to live." 

Alexander pulled the car over. "Hey, hey." He said gently as he patted Maria's back soothingly. "It's alright. Want to know a secret? Even I feel like I'm failing my kids sometimes. And I can help you out. I even brought some money with me." Alex started pulling out the five hundred dollars from his pocket.

"Alexander, no. I can't take that." Maria said wiping away tears. 

"Please take it, really, it's nothing. I'm a lawyer, Maria." Alexander said shoving the money into her hands. 

"Thanks. You didn't have to do this." Maria said while giving him a hug.

"Now, let's go show this douche bag who's boss." Alexander said.

~At Monticello~ 

"Welcome friends to Monticello!" Thomas said as he gestured dramatically at his mansion. Peacocks with long luxurious tails strode around the driveway that circled an expensive fountain. A huge mansion loomed in front of Alexander's car. 

"Oh. My. Gosh." Alexander said, slamming his head against the wheel on each word. 

"I don't think I've ever seen something this rich." Maria said, staring at the estate in awe.

"Don't just sit there. Come in!" Thomas said with a poke of his cane against the car. An evil grin was plastered across his face. 

"Hey! That's my car, you rich scum." Alexander spat and the two hastily got out of the car.

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