Too Many Children

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A/N: 4 THOUSAND VIEWS??!!! WHAT THE HECK?? I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH!!! For realsies. If anyone needs to talk (even if it's about dogs. I love talking about dogs) or become friends or anything I'm here. This means so much to me!! <3

After almost falling asleep on his computer for the sixth time that day, Alexander finally decided he needed a coffee. He dragged his feet to the break room and moved someone else's mug out of the way. His foot tapped against the floor impatiently as the ancient coffee maker slowly dripped coffee into his mug. 

"Why'd you move my mug?" Jefferson spat from behind him.

Alexander sighed, way too tired to deal with Jefferson. "Cause I'm making my coffee."

"Well, my cup was there first." Thomas shoved Alexander's mug out of the machine and placed his in it.

Petty anger at this simple action flared up in Alexander. But then again, anything that Thomas did seemed to annoy him. "Well, I won the race this weekend." He pushed his mug back in.

"That reminds me..." A smirk grew on Thomas' face. "I wanted to talk to you about a particular picture you sent me." Jefferson replaced Alexander's mug with his.

"What about it?" Alexander moved his mug back.

Thomas was set back at this. He hadn't expected Alexander to be so indifferent about it. "Just wanted to inform you that I screenshotted it. I have it saved. And I could send it to everyone in the office."

"That's nice, Thomas. But, you see, the thing is that I don't care." Alexander patted his shoulder, faking consolation. 

In a fit of anger at his plan failing, Thomas chucked Alexander's coffee mug to the floor, spilling coffee and ceramic shards all around the break room. Alexander stared in shock at Thomas' outburst. 

"I'm telling Washington!" Alexander snapped childishly.

He stormed out of the break room and all the way to Washington's office. Thomas caught up with him easily. "Wait, please don't tell," he begged before Alexander could open Washington's office door.

"Nope." Alexander swung the door open and walked on in.

Washington jumped slightly at the sudden entrance. "Alexander, what are you doing in here?"

"Jefferson pushed my mug off the counter and it broke!" Alexander tattled, his voice taking on a whiny, childlike tone. 

Washington took a deep breath in, realizing it would be that kind of day. "Thomas, get in here," Washington sighed. Thomas crept into the room and immediately burst into an explanation. 

"Alexander moved my mug out of the coffee machine so, I smashed his."

Washington let out another sigh. "I swear I work with kindergarteners," he muttered before raising his voice and saying, "Now, Alexander was that a very nice thing to do?"

"No..." he answered shamefully.

"And Thomas, was it nice of you to smash Alexander's mug?" Washington asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"No," Thomas responded, crossing his arms and looking down.

"So, can you both apologize to each other?" 


Washington almost slammed his face into the desk. When he started this business, he had not expected to deal with this. "You two deal with this yourselves. You're grown men! I'll tell Burr to clean up the mess."

"But Da- Washington! He broke my mug. Tell him to buy me a new one." Alexander pouted.

George turned to Thomas. "Buy him a new mug, please," Washington begged, wishing to be done with the whole situation. 

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