The PTA Debate

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A/N: I'm sorry A. Ham, I've ruined your legacy and turned you into a soccer mom. (btw I wrote this on a sugar rush of skittles nom nOM NOm!)

"Angelica! Your assistance is requested!" Philip shouted as he slammed the door shut. He flung his backpack to the floor and raced up to her room.

"What do you want?" Angelica spat at him, placing her pencil down on her desk. "I have math homework to do."

"The answer's 14," Philip said, pointing to the last problem she was on. "Now, you're done."

 Angelica scribbled down the answer and turned to face him. "What do you want?" she repeated.

"Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but I need you to do my make-up," Philip explained as Angelica's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Georges dared me to after I said some stupid joke about it and I am not a chicken."

"Yep, just an idiot," Angelica agreed as she pulled out her cheap pretty princess makeup.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there," Philip said, moving away as Angelica threateningly approached with lipstick and mascara. "I need this for tomorrow."

"Alright," Angelica sighed, "Be in my room by six am sharp."

"Six?" Philip asked, "We go to school at eight! You need two hours to do my makeup."

"Beauty takes time, especially with you," Angelica muttered.

~That night at the PTA Meeting~

"Everyone, everyone. Thank you for coming to tonights PTA meeting. We'll have our three candidates for president speak about why they should be president and what they'll do for the better of the PTA. The official voting will be tomorrow night. Any questions?" George Washington asked on the stage of the school auditorium where the PTA met.

"No offense, Washington, but you don't even have kids. Why are you even here?" Charles Lee asked from the crowd.

"I've been anonymously suggested," Washington glanced at Eliza, "to keep the peace. I was told there was an incident with a.... butter knife? Any more questions?" 

Charles raised his hand again but Washington simply ignored it. "Alright since there are no more questions, we'll start. Thomas, you have the floor."

"Hello ladies and gentleman of the PTA," Thomas greeted as he stepped up to the microphone. 

"I would like to start off by thanking you all for coming tonight. My plan for the future of the PTA is to focus on the kids. Sometimes I think that we get distracted by our own competitive parenting that we forget what we are really gathered here to do. Help our kids. Vote Jefferson," he paused dramatically, "for the kids." Everyone politely applauded him.

"Thank you, Thomas," George Washington said, "Next up we have, 'King' George of King Flush Portapotties™."

Meanwhile, Alexander was in the elementary school's bathroom. "C'mon Hamilton," he muttered, splashing water on his face. He stared at himself in the booger smudged mirror. "You are a handsome devil and everyone is blessed to be in your presence," he complimented his reflection. "Jefferson is jealous of your stunning looks and he can never match your wits."

Alexander smirked at his reflection while doing finger guns at himself. "You got this you, flawless angel." He was about to walk out when a high-pitched voice perked up behind him.

"Mr. Hammy, what are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" Theodosia asked him.

"I was never in here, small child," Alexander said, stuffing a lollipop in her mouth. "You saw nothing." He began to slowly back out but gave up and sprinted out the door.

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