Roller Skating

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The roller rink was still trapped in the 80s. Bright obnoxious colors splattered the walls and a disco ball in the center of the rink threw light randomly across the room. Alexander whipped the doors open and strutted up to the counter to get his roller skates. Heads turned as he walked. Whisper and gasps filled the room.

"Is that him?" one girl asked her friend, pointing out Alexander as the crowd parted for him.

"The Roller King," her friend confirmed with a nod. 

Alexander stopped at the counter as everyone continued to stare at him in awe. "Size eight skates."

"It can't be..." Benjamin Franklin gasped as he turned around. He dropped the rag he was using to clean some skates. "The Roller King."

"I'm back."

Ben overcame his shock and grab the skates for him. He watched wordlessly as Alexander walked off to put on his skates. The Hamilton family followed after him, confused at all the attention. They wandered over to Alexander.

"Daddy," Alexander Jr. said, pulling at his clothes to get his attention, "are you famous?"

"Of course," Alexander answered like it was obvious.

"Seriously, Alex, how come all these people are staring at you like you're royalty?" Eliza asked, glancing at the crowd still gawking at him.

"He's the Roller King," a preteen girl answered with a roll of her eyes. 

"What she said," Alexander agreed. "Come peasant children, we'll get you some skates."

"If you're the king then I'm a princess!" Angelica nearly jumped from excitement at the realization.

"You're the Roller King's daughter? Lucky!" a person in the crowd shouted.

"You don't just inherit your title. You must earn it. For now, you are unnamed peasant girl." Alexander guided them over to the counter. Angelica pouted but followed after anyways.

"I thought you were kidding about this king thing," Eliza whispered into Alexander's ear.

"Please, Eliza, why would I kid about something so serious?"

"You've never told me about this before." Eliza looked around at the starstruck people around them, still not sure if they were real. 

"I have my secrets." He turned to the counter. "Ben, I need five pairs of skates."

"Coming right up, Roller King." He turned around to grab the skates.

After ten minutes of struggling to tie laces and everyone (but Alexander) struggling to waddle towards the rink, they finally made it to the skating place. 

"How am I supposed to walk?!" Angie complained. "There is literally wheels strapped to my feet!" She latched onto the wall as she clumsily skated.

"Like this," Alexander said. He skated off ridiculously fast to the other end of the rink. "See!" he shouted to her, "easy!"

Angelica tentatively let go of the wall but ended up on her butt. "Easy, sure," she muttered as she struggled to stand back up. Eliza grabbed her daughter's hand along with James and Alexander Jr.'s. Having gone to the roller rink a few times, Eliza was a decent skater and could at least keep herself and kids from falling (somewhat).

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