The Grocery Store

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A/N: So, I just realized this fanfic is named 'Hamilton Soccer Moms AU' but there have literally been 3 chapters on soccer... lol. Also, THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO READS THIS!! ILY ALL AND UR COMMENTS GIVE ME LIFE!

~The next day at recess~

"Hey, Philip!" Theo greeted as she walked up to Philip with a grin. "Do you wanna play princesses and dragons with me? You can be my knight. You know, since you saved my life yesterday."

Philip opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the roar of Amelia's Barbie car's engine. "Philip!" The blond exclaimed. "Ready to be my chauffeur?" She opened up the door for him and Philip went to get in when Theo frowned.

"But you said you'd be my knight," Theo protested. Philip looked between Theo's betrayed face and the tempting open door of Amelia's car. 

He thought of his dad's advice, Philip, you just have to tell her that you like Amelia better than her and that you don't want to be friends with her anymore. And then he thought of his mom's, Philip, just tell her nicely that you want to hang out with Amelia today but that you'll play with her tomorrow.  

Philip had never been good at making decisions. Even this morning he didn't know which pair of socks to wear. So, he combined them and took one sock from each pair. It didn't matter that one sock was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sock and the other was a My Little Pony sock that he had stolen from Angelica (he would never tell her but he secretly enjoyed when she 'forced' him to watch it). He had the best of both worlds. And that's what he'll do with this decision too.

"Theo, I like Amelia better than you but I promise I'll play with you tomorrow," Philip declared as he entered the driver's side of the Barbie car. Theo's jaw dropped at the utter bluntness of the statement. Even Amelia was a little surprised at the cruel declaration but that surprise quickly melted into smugness. 

"Bye, sugarplum," Amelia said to Theo with fake sweetness and a little wave.

Theo just stared at them in shock as her cheeks slowly colored with anger. "Hit it, Philip," Amelia demanded. Before doing as he was told, Philip took one last glance at Theo.

"Bye, traitor and princess scum," Theo spat. Philip looked down shamefully, knowing he made the wrong choice, then stepped on the gas.

Theo kicked at the ground angrily with her Sketchers Light Ups and sat down on the pavement. The rainbow (because he knew it was her favorite color) friendship bracelet that Philip had made her lay limply on her wrist. Theo grabbed it furiously and attempted to rip it off her wrist but it was pretty strong for a homemade friendship bracelet. Letting out a dramatic sigh, Theo just untied the bracelet and flung it across the blacktop.  

You can give that to Amelia, she thought bitterly.

~Time skip to parent pickup time~

"Philip, your parents are here," Mrs. Turd, wait, no, Turner announced. 

"Okay, bye!" Philip said as he walked off to his car. "See you on Monday."

Before he got into the minivan though, he noticed a small brightly colored object on the ground and picked it up. Realization hit him immediately, it was the bracelet he had given to Theo. But, why was it on the ground? She had promised to always keep it on but then again he had promised to be her knight. Philip took the bracelet with him and got into the car. Surely Theo had just lost it. Right?

"Hi, Philip. How was school today?" Eliza asked at the same time that Alexander said, "Hi, Philip. Did you tell Theo that you hate her?"

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Pops." Philip greeted as he sat in his seat.

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