Soccer Teams

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A/N: Shout out to @Angelicaforeva ! Your comments are hilarious and they make me laugh every single time! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

The alarm clock's beeps loudly echoed around the room. Eliza's eyes shot open as soon as she heard the tortuous sound. Eliza had become a very light-sleeper ever since she had kids. There had been nights when she would barely catch a wink of sleep because Angelica needed her blankie that had fallen out of her crib and Alexander Jr. wanted his bottle and James Alexander needed his diaper changed and Philip was throwing a tantrum for whatever reason. Because of this Eliza had become accustomed to waking up at the slightest sound. On the other hand, Alexander had of course taken care of the kids too but he was a very deep sleeper and once he was asleep (which rarely happens) there was nothing that could wake him.

Unless it was a sleep deprived Eliza screaming his name and hitting him with a pillow, that was too terrifying to ignore. "Alexander!!" she screamed. "Your stupid alarm clock is going off!"

"What? Ouch! I'm sorry! I'm sorry." Alexander said as he put his hands up in surrender.

"You better be." Eliza hissed. Normally Eliza was the sweetest person to grace the Earth but don't mess with her and her sleep, it is not pleasant.  She put the pillow down and got back beneath the covers. "Why do you even have a alarm for 5 in the morning?" Eliza growled from beneath the blankets. Alexander turned off the annoying beeping clock and climbed out of bed.

"Today is The Day." Alex said basically exploding with excitement.

"The Day?" Eliza asked.

"The day that soccer teams come out, of course! What else would it be?" Alexander said, almost jumping with anticipation.

"And why do you need to be up at 5 for that?" Eliza snarled.

"Because the email comes out at 8 and I need to be prepared." Alexander explained like it was the most obvious thing.  

"Today is gonna be a long day." Eliza groaned. "Wait, it's Monday! We have work!"

"Yeah, I know. I called in and told Washington I'll be late today." he answered nonchalantly. 

This must be a big deal if he's missing work for it, Eliza thought.

~2 hours 59 minutes 30 seconds later~

"Where is it?" Alexander said impatiently, reloading his email for the ninety-eighth time.

"It should be here any second." He muttered to himself. He took a long sip of coffee and glanced down at the clock on his computer as it turned from 8:59 to 9:00. Alexander quickly reloaded his email again but nothing new popped up.

"Eliza, can you believe this?! Their email is late. I'm gonna complain. Whoever does the emails is a disgrace to the soccer community!" Alex ranted as he reloaded his email over and over.

"Uh-huh." Eliza said sleepily as she drank more coffee across the table from her husband.

"Oh, wait never mind. IT'S HERE!!!" Alex celebrated as he clicked on the email.

"Thank you for enrolling your child in our soccer program. Here is his/her soccer team for the new season. We can't wait to make your child a better soccer player!" Alexander read out loud and scoffed when he got to the last sentence.

"Lucky for you Philip is already the best soccer player so you won't have much work to do." Alexander said to the computer screen.

He silently looked over the team.

Hannah Green

Sarah Ramos

"Ugh! Sarah Ramos can't even kick the ball." Alex complained.

"Alex! Be nice." Eliza scolded.

"It's the truth!" Alex said.

"If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all." Eliza said as Alexander groaned at the overused phrase and he continued to read.

Philip Hamilton

Alex smiled at his son's name.

Ben McButt

Mallory Hiddleston 

Julia Lennon

Richard Sangster

John Mulligan

"Herc's kid is on Philip's team." Alex said happily.

"That's great, hun." Eliza said basically falling asleep over her cereal.

A bunch of weird last names later, Alexander read the last name on the list and as soon as he saw it he slammed his laptop shut.

"No. Nononononono, NO! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!!" Alexander screamed in disbelief.

Eliza had almost fallen asleep sitting up but was jerked awake as soon as she heard that. "What? What's going on?" Eliza asked.

Alexander banged his head against the table and shouted, "NOOOOOOOO00000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO000OOOOOooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo000000000000000oooooooooo!!!!!!"

Eliza slid a pillow in between the table and Alexander's head and grabbed his computer to see what had caused this while Alexander continued to scream. Eliza scrolled to the bottom of the email to see the last name on the list.

Theodosia Burr

"Oh my." Eliza said in shock. She moved to sit next to Alex and rubbed his back gently. "It's okay. It'll be alright."

"NO IT WON'T!" Alexander shouted into the pillow.

"Maybe the teams aren't permanent yet?" Eliza suggested.

Alex perked up at this and grabbed the computer. He scrolled to the very bottom of the email and it said: "The teams are not set in stone yet so if you have a problem with the coach or any of the players please contact this number, 8675-309 or email us back with your concerns."

"There is hope!" Alexander said already composing a email.

 "Oh, thank goodness! That would have been awful season. Watching you and Burr bicker every single game." Eliza said in relief.

"I know. That would have been horrible. Imagine having to prove that Philip's better every game." Alexander said.

"I have to go to work. I can't believe school starts next week, this summer flew by. I have to start setting up my class room." Eliza said with a quick kiss on Alexander's cheek. Eliza teaches at a preschool but eventually wants to open up a orphanage with Alex once they have enough money.   

Alex continued writing the email and said, "Bye! Love you!" 

"Bye! Love you too. Peggy should be here any minute to watch the kids." Eliza said as she made her way out the door. Peggy also worked but her schedule was more flexible. She works the night shift as a barista at a bar and has her own beauty YouTube channel with 100,000 subscribers and she is also trying to start a rap career but that isn't working out great at the moment.   

"Okay!" Alexander said as Peggy walked in the door. "Hey, Pegs."

"Hey, Alex." Peggy said. "Where are my favorite nephews and niece?"

"Auntie Peggy!!" the Hamilton children said as they ran to give their aunt a hug.

"Philip, wanna see your soccer team?" Alex said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Philip said running over to sit next to his dad.

Alex scrolled down just enough that Theo's name wasn't showing. "Pretty good, right?"

"Yeah. I wish Theo was on my team though." Philip said with a little frown.

"Aw, that stinks." Alex lied with a big smile.

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