P&P Raps

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A/N: Happy Peggy appreciation day!!

"Alexander! We're going out. You better be out in 5!" Eliza yelled to Alexander's office door.

"Correction: You're going out. I'll watch the kids." Alexander shouted back.

"Nope! That job was given to Peggy." Eliza responded.

A groan from Alexander echoed around the house. "Finneeeeeeeeeee. Who's gonna be there tonight?" Ever since college 'The Squad' or whoever could make it went out every Friday night.

"Everyone but Peggy and Angelica. They're on children duty." Eliza answered.

"But I can be on children duty." Alex whined.

"You are awful at children duty. Philip told me that you were in your office the whole time."  Eliza responded.

"That snitch! No cookies, Philip!" Alexander yelled and down the hall a distressed Philip screamed. 

~5 minutes later~

"Thanks again Peggy." Eliza said as she and a whining Alexander walked out the door.

"No problem. You kids go have fun." Peggy said, waving them out the door. "And watch John for me. You know him and that Sam Adams."

"'Kay." Eliza said. 

Peggy shut the door behind them and turned to the kids. "Who's ready for some fUuuUnnN?"

"Us!" all the kids responded. 

"Dad said no cookies but Auntie Peggy says.." Philip began.

"Heck yeah! Get those cookies, Philip!" Peggy said as Philip ran off to grab the cookie jar.

Peggy's phones rang in her pocket and she answered it. "Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Peggy, where in the world are you?" an angry voice yelled into Peggy's ear.

"Woah, what do you mean?" she asked.

"Your shift started an hour ago!" her boss yelled.  

"Oh shi-" Peggy stopped herself realizing the children looking up at her. "-zzle. I totally forgot. Is there anyway I can cancel tonight?"

"NO! You know this is our busy night. Everyone comes in on Fridays. And everyone's asking for The Margarita." her boss answered. 

"Ugh, fine. Be there in 15." Peggy compromised.

"See ya then." 


The 11 kids started up at her with curiousness written all over their faces. "Who was that, Mommy?" Frances asked.

"My boss. Who wants to take a trip to the bar?" Peggy asked.

"USS!" all the kids yelled.

"We can be adults!" Georges shouted.

"I'm gonna order 5 Capri Suns and no one can stop me!" Anastasie yelled.

"I'm gonna get... what do you call it? Prunk? Brunk? Frunk? I don't know but I want it." Angelica Hamilton joined in. 

"Where did you learn that?" Peggy asked Angelica.

"Philip told me." Angelica tattled.

"Philip?" Peggy called.

"Yeah?" Philip said with cookies stuffed in his mouth. 

"Where did you learn the work drunk?" Peggy asked.

"My friend at school told me." Philip said. 

"Drunk that's the word! I'm gonna get drunk!" Angelica yelled.

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