Vacation (kinda)

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A/N: THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND VOTES AND SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!! I got more skittles for Easter so yip yip horayyyyy! What did you all get for Easter??? Also if anyone has any ideas for what should happen while they're all on vaca, comment them!!

"Here's everyone's copy of the entire plan for every second of our vacation," Alexander said as he passed out a slim booklet to his family members. 

"Or we could do what we feel like," Eliza offered, placing her booklet on the couch in their hotel. 

"I don't want to go on a five-hour tour of the volcano museum," Angelica whined, "It sounds almost as boring as your work."

"Then you could attend a meeting with me," Alexander suggested. "I'll have to miss out on all the fun museums that you guys get to go to because of meetings. It just sucks."

"Do you hear this? He's sending us to museums so we can be bored while he's bored." Angelica walked over to the balcony and held her booklet over it.

"Woah, woah, woah there. I am never bored at work. And I'm missing the museum part of the vacation which is the best part."

"Oh, yes, because learning about things I don't care about is just the best," Angelica said as she dropped the pamphlet directly into the pool below. 

"Exactly!" Alexander exclaimed, not noting the sarcasm. "Oh, looks like you dropped your booklet. Here's another one." He handed her another one from his fifty copies in his bag.

Angelica was about to snap when her mother whispered in her ear, "We're not going to the museums. We just have to pretend like we did to please him."

"You know what's weird?" Alexander asked.

"That cows give 200,000 glasses of milk in there life. So chances are we had milk from the same cow and never even knew it. Or that while you're eating pineapple it also eats you," Philip offered.

"What? No, no. That's weird but not what I meant. And how did you even know that?" Alexander questioned.

"Doesn't everybody?" Philip answered.

"Anyways, it's weird that there are so many rooms. I mean, I knew I was Washington's favorite, but this is practically a suite," Alexander explained.

"Hotel, sweet hotel!" A southern accent chirped from the doorway.

"No." Alexander's head snapped to the doorway. 

"T Jeffs!!!" Eliza said. "I didn't know we were sharing a room."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Alexander paced around the room and stopped in front of Philip. "Philip, tell me this isn't happening."

"It isn't happening?" Philip said with a shrug.

"Not convincing enough, Philip." Alexander stomped over to Thomas and threw his suitcase out of the room. "This is our room. You must have the wrong one."

Washington barely avoided being hit with Thomas' suitcase as he walked towards the doorway to the suite. "No, this is our room. Get out." Thomas dragged his suitcase back in.

Burr walked down from the second floor of the suite with Theodosia and Theo. "I was here first so it's my room."

"Everyone, everyone!" Washington yelled over their bickering. "This is everyone's suite. There's enough rooms in this suite for every family."

"But only two bathrooms!" Alexander pointed out. "And Thomas takes five years and we all know it."

"Speaking of which, I better set up my hair products for tomorrow." Thomas walked off to the first-floor bathroom with his suitcase.

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