Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 1

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~The next day, at the Mulligan house~

"Laf! It's Tuesday! You have to get up." Herc shook his husband awake.

"5 more minutes." Lafayette begged, hiding his face under his pillow.

"Do you wanna be late to work?" Herc asked.

"Nooooooo." Laf groaned, slowly getting out of bed. "Are the kids up yet?"

"You bet." Herc said, also groaning. "Remind me again why we decided to adopt six kids."

"Because we love them." Laf supplied.

"Yeah but there's so many." Herc said.

"But they're so cute." Laf argued.

"Says the man who doesn't take care of them all day." Herc glared at his husband playfully.

"You know I don't wanna leave but somebody has to get money around here." Laf said while getting ready for the day.

"I know. Say hi to Elmo for me!" Hercules said as Lafayette began walking out the door. Lafayette responded with a glare. Ever since Hercules had found out about Lafayette's job as Mr. Noodle on Sesame Street he had teased him about it. 

"Daddy! Can I come with you? I wanna meet Elmo!" Henriette said running down the stairs. 

"Me too!" the other five said.

"Let me text my boss." Lafayette said with a smile.

Lafayette: Hey Elmo. My kids wanna come to work with me today, is that all right?

Elmo: Laf, I told you to stop calling me that. It's Kevin and sure, why not.

Lafayette: Thanks, Elmo!


"He said yes." Lafayette announced.

"YAYYYY!" they all shouted in unison.  

"I guess you can say hi to Elmo in person now." Lafayette said, turning to Herc with a smile.

"I guess so." Hercules said with a sigh.

~Meanwhile, at the Hamilton household~

"Guess what?" Alexander said, very enthusiastic despite the fact that he barely got any sleep.

A very sleepy family looked up from their breakfast to him. 

"Jeez, just hold back the excitement a little." he said sarcastically. "Washington sent out a email that today is take your kid to work day!" 

"We get to go to your work?" Alexander Jr. said, perking up instantly.

"Don't get too excited. Mom says that Dad works at some boring place where you sit at a desk all day long." Angelica said.

"What? Why would I ever say anything like that?" Eliza said unconvincingly.

"Don't listen to them Alexander Jr. They don't know what they're talking about. Today I'm fighting against Thomas on a case. It'll be SO much fun." Alexander said.

"Okay!" Alexander Jr. said.

"Wait, Thomas? I'm coming too. I can't wait to tell him about all the drama with the soccer committee. And I know how you get with him." Eliza said. 

Alexander glared at Eliza, he did not support their friendship. "Then, this will be a family trip. You all forced me to go to that Burr's stupid birthday party so you are all coming with me." Alexander said sternly.

Angelica groaned at this but, that didn't put down Alexander's mood. "Yay! My two favorite things my family and WORK!" Alexander said as they all made their way to the door.

~At the Laurens apartment~

"John! Guess what?" Peggy said excitedly.

"What?" John asked.

"It's national take your kid to work day!" Peggy said.

"Peggy, you are not taking Frances to a bar." John said.

"Not that job, silly. But she can be in one of my YouTube videos." Peggy said, bopping John on the nose.

"That would be cool but Frances is coming to my job." John said.

"What! Why would she ever want to some stupid aquarium and stare at fish all day?" Peggy argued. 

"Whatever, let's ask Frances. Frances!" John called.

"Yeah?" She said, coming out of her room.

"Do you wanna go see amazing sea animals with daddy-" John started.

"Actually, if you went with dad you would have to clean stuff up fish poop." Peggy said

 "Not true. But anyways, or do you wanna do makeup with mommy?" John finished while glaring at Peggy.

Frances shook her brown curly hair which she got from both her mom and dad. "I wanna play dolls." she said, holding out the barbie doll for them to see.

"That wasn't an option." Peggy said while tilting her head in confusion at her daughter.

"I made it one." Frances sassed, sticking out her tongue at her parents before going back to her room.

"She got that sass from you." John said.

"I know." Peggy responded with a smug look.

"Frances Eleanor Laurens, get back here." John said.

Frances came back out. "I'm sorry for sticking my tongue out." she apologized with a pout.

"She got that sweetness from you." Peggy muttered to John. John simply blushed and continued talking to Frances.

"It's okay, sweetie. But you have to decide." John said.

"Hmmmm, I don't know. Can I do both?" Frances asked.

John looked to Peggy and she shrugged. "Okay, we'll go to my job first." John said.

"No, my job!" Peggy argued.

~Meanwhile at Angelica's mansion~

Angelica's phones buzzed in her hands and she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram before her work as a scientist. She quickly exited Instagram and opened up her email. A email from her boss. Ugh, this is how lonely I am. Getting excited by an email from my boss, Angelica thought with a sigh as she opened the email. 

"Take your kid to work day?" Angelica said out loud as she read. If only I had a kid to take to work, Angelica thought bitterly, cursing her forever loneliness. The most depressing thing about being the only single friend in your friend group was that you were always surrounded by happy married couples and their happy children unless you were at home alone. Of course Angelica didn't need a man but it sucks being lonely. 

"Tigger! Where are you?" Angelica called to her cat that she named after the tiger. She considered her cat her fur baby so that was close enough to a child. The striped orange kitten strolled into the living room and looked up at Angelica expecting food. The kitten was nothing like the real Tigger, he was grumpy and often ignored Angelica unless he wanted food.  

"Today is take your kid to work day so your coming with me." Angelica said picking up Tigger as he hissed at her. Angelica ignored the kitten's protests and held him in her arms.

"Meow. I'm so excited Mom. Meow!" Angelica said for the kitten in a high-pitched voice as he continued to squirm.

"I love you, Tigger." Angelica said as she walked out the door with the cat.

"Meow. I love you too, Mom. Meow." Tigger(Angelica) said.  

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