Christmas Tree

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A/N: sorry this took me so freaking long! hopefully, this extra long chapter makes up for it. also just to let u know they're playing indoor soccer since it's December and all. 

"Oh, uh, hey Amelia," Philip said as he awkwardly let go of Theo's hand.

"Hi, Amelia," Theo said confidently, grabbing Philip's hand back.

Amelia looked at their interlinked hands bitterly. "It's princess Amelia to you." 

"You play soccer, Amelia?" Philip asked, trying to break the tension between the girls.

She turned to Philip with a bright smile. "Yeah! But I didn't know you played soccer, Philly."

Philly? Oh, two can play at that game, Theo thought. "Really? I've known Pip soo long. We've played soccer together for, well, as long as I can remember," Theo bragged.  

Amelia scoffed. "Whatever. Me and Philip had so much fun the other day in my car. Right, Philly?"

"You mean, Philip and I," Theo corrected with a glare.

"Okay, nerd," Amelia responded, "See you on the field, Philly." She skipped off over to her team with her bouncing golden curls in tow.

"Let's destroy that loser," Theo said viciously as she marched over to their team.

Philip quickened his pace to catch up with her. "I don't know why you don't like her so much."

Theo gave him an exasperated look. "She is just awful."

"I think she's nice," Philip disagreed.

"Of course you would think that," Theo mumbled. "The game's about to begin. We better get to coach."

~Meanwhile on the sidelines~

"Burr," Alexander spat. "It's been a while."

"Not long enough," Aaron mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, Theodosia!" Eliza greeted. "You'll never guess what I have to tell you."

"What is it?" she asked.

"I'm pregnant!" Eliza exclaimed.

"Not another one," Aaron complained, picturing another mini Alexander.

Theodosia stepped on his foot and he stopped saying whatever else he was going to say. "That's great, Liza. Congratulations!" Theodosia told her. "Do you know the gender?"

"No, we want it to be a surprise," Eliza said at the same time that Alex said, "It's a girl."

"Its' name is Chicken Nugget," Alexander Jr. told Theodosia.

"I know you guys were running out of names since you have so many children, but Chicken Nugget?" Burr asked.

Theodosia elbowed him and said, "That's a fantastic name."

"That will not be the child's name. Oh, look the game is starting," Eliza said.

~5 minutes left in the game~

Amelia dribbled down the field expertly and went past all the defenders with ease. The only thing between the goal and Amelia now was Theo (and the goalie). Amelia smiled at her cruelly before pushing her over and dribbling right by her. Theo sat on the ground, stunned from Amelia's actions. Amelia skillfully shot and the ball landed directly in the back of the goal.

Aaron shot out from his chair. "Ref!" he shouted. "That was foul play! Red card! Red card!"

"I didn't see anything," the referee said. 

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