Burrthday Party Part 2

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A/N: Holy mother of ducks!! People actually read my story!!! Thank you so much to all those who read, comment or vote! It puts a smile on my face!

"Everyone ready?" Aaron asked. Every child nodded in anticipation to play musical chairs. Their eyes darted from the chairs to Aaron anxiously. Aaron pressed play on the music and the children began walking around the chairs. After 30 seconds, Aaron stopped the music and the children rushed to the chairs like their lives depended on it. John, Jefferson and Madison's son, looked around desperately for an empty chair. Martha took the last chair and stuck her tongue out at him. John glared at his sister and went to stand by his dads.

"Good try, John." James said while patting his shoulder.

Soon enough, the last two standing were Philip and Martha Jefferson. The tension in the air was as thick as syrup. Thomas and Alexander glared at each other from across the room.

"You got this, Philip!" Alex encouraged his son.

"Go, Martha!" Jefferson cheered.

Aaron resumed the music one last time. Philip and Martha circled around the last chair. The music abruptly stopped and Philip and Martha both raced to the last chair. Everyone stood watching in anticipation to see who would win. They were both going as fast as their little legs could carry them but Martha's untied shoelace stopped her. She tripped on it and it sent her onto the floor. Philip sat in the final chair, beaming victoriously.

"YES, PHILIP!!!" Mr. Hamilton shouted, rushing to his son.

Martha dusted herself off and shook Philip's hand. "Nice job! I did give you a fight." she said.

Philip smiled and nodded at his friend before his dad came and wrapped Philip in a hug. Aaron silently handed Philip the prize for winning, a light-up jump rope, before disappearing into the crowd.

"It was rigged!" Jefferson shouted while walking towards Alex. "Aaron rigged it!"

"How can you rig musical chairs?" Aaron asked in disbelief. "And why would I rig it so Hamilton's kid would win?"

"Okay, then Alexander rigged it." Jefferson stated while pointing an accusing finger at Alex.

"I never even touched those chairs! Ask my wife! I was holding her hand the whole time." Alex rebounded. By this time both Philip and Martha had fled the scene to go play with their friends.

All eyes were set upon Eliza and she put her hands up in surrender. "He's telling the truth. He was practically squeezing my hand to death, it was very noticeable."

"Jefferson is just making up excuses. He doesn't want to face the facts that my son is better than his daughter." Alex said with a smirk.

By this time, Eliza and James had come to their husbands sides and were restraining them. All the children were so used to arguments like these that they had learned to tune them out.

"Let me at him!" Jefferson growled. He made a start towards Alex but was held back by James.

"Let's just agree that both of our kids are amaz-" Eliza began to compromise.

"But Philip is better!" Alex interrupted.

"No! Martha is!" Thomas argued.

"Remind me, Thomas, who won musical chairs?" Alex taunted.

"Your cheating son! He tripped my daughter!" Thomas shouted back.

"Eliza, could you please let me go so I can pulverize Thomas?" Alex said looking at his wife who was holding him by the waist with puppy-dog eyes.

"And James, could you let me go so I can demolish Alexander?" Thomas asked.

"Papa! Could you please stop?" Martha said, leaving the game for a second.

"Yeah, Pops, it's really interrupting our game." Philip said to his dad.

Thomas glared at Alex one last time before turning to Martha. "Of course we'll stop, darling."

Alex sighed and said to Philip, "We will stop. You two can go back to your game."

Alexander turned to Thomas and freed his hand from Eliza's grasp. "Truce? For the kids?" Alex offered while sticking out his hand.

Eliza and James still had their arms around their husbands just in case. Thomas freed his hand from James and shook Alex's. "For the kids."

"This is a miracle." Eliza said, awestruck.

"I know." James said in amazement.

~Time skip brought to you by Jeffmads!~

"Are you guys ready for the pinata?" Theodosia asked to the group of children.

Cheers bursted out from the children. Aaron finished tying up the unicorn pinata and handed a bat to Theo.

"Birthday girl goes first." Aaron said to his daughter with a smile .

Theo looked from the bat to the unicorn suspended in the air. "I h-have to hit the magical horse?" Theo asked while tears threatened to spill over her eyes.

Alexander coughed and it suspiciously sounded like unicorn. He couldn't help but correct her.

"Well you kinda have to do that if you want the candy." Aaron said gently.

"It's too pretty!" Theo protested on the verge of tears.

"I'll hit it for you!" William Mulligan offered.

"I'll do it too!" Philip said.

Theodosia looked from her daughter to the pinata nervously. "How about we just open the hatch to the candy." Theodosia comprimised.

"We don't get to hit it?" John Mulligan whined.

Theo whimpered at the very thought of hitting the unicorn. "No, you don't get to hit it but you will still get candy!" Theodosia said.

All the kids perked up at the mention of candy. Aaron took down the unicorn from its rope and dumped all the candy on the floor. Theo ran to her father and ripped the pinata from his hands. That's when absolute choas began. Every child ran at the candy at full speed. Soon enough there wasn't a pile of candy but a pile of children. And within minutes there was no candy on the floor only in the hands and pockets of the kids.

"That was fast." Theodosia said staring in shock at the completely empty floor.

"Tell me about it." Aaron said, amazed, to his wife.

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