Friendsentine Day

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A/N: RAISIN COOKIES ARE A BETRAYAL TO THE HUMAN RACE. Happy belated valentine's day!! If you didn't have a Valentine, you can be my pal-entine!! Voting for the PTA president is closed so I deleted the last mini-chapter thing. Speaking of votes, I hope you all are happy with your votes...

"Ready to go win, Eliza?" Alexander asked his wife as they prepared to walk out the door.

"Not so fast, we have to take the kids to school," Eliza reminded him.

"But I have to be there before Jefferson," Alexander argued.

"Then who's gonna take the kids to school?" she pointed out.

"Stupid logic," he complained.

"Are we going yet?" Philip whined.

"Yes, once Angelica comes down. Wait- why are you wearing a suit?" Eliza asked.

Philip sighed, "It's Friendsentine day at school."

"And that is?" Eliza prompted.

"A stupid holiday made up by the PTA-" Philip began.

"The PTA wouldn't be so stupid if I was the president," Alexander interrupted.

"But you're not," Angelica objected, walking down the stairs.

"Minus 10, Angelica," Eliza said.

"How come no one ever listens to me! I was trying to explain that we aren't allowed to call it Valentine's day because 'we're too young to be celebrating that,'" Philip ranted.

"And so, you're wearing a suit?" Eliza questioned, "For Friendsentine day?"

"Yeah, doesn't it just roll off the tongue?" Philip muttered sarcastically.

"I would have come up with a much easier title," Alexander consoled his son. "Speaking of me being the best, I have an election to win. Everyone, to the car!"

"Can we call our car the Hamil-mobile?" Alexander Jr. asked as they walked to the minivan. "I think it deserves a name too."

"Sure, as long as its middle name is Angelica Sucks," Philip agreed.

"What? No!" Angelica cried, "Its middle name is Philip Sucks."

"Philip, Angelica, no naughty language. You'll teach it to James," Eliza scolded.

"It's not our fault. That's just our cars middle name," Philip said with a shrug.

"Sucks, sucks, sucks!" James shouted.

"Now, you say Jefferson before that," Alexander instructed.

"Jefferson sucks, sucks, sucks!" James shouted gleefully.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm raising five kids," Eliza murmured bitterly.

"But ya love me!" Alexander said as Eliza got into the minivan and slammed the door behind her.

"Sometimes," she added teasingly.

~At the school, where the voting was taking place~

"How unprofessional, Hamilton. Showing up late, tsk tsk," Jefferson taunted with a smirk as Alexander and Eliza approached. 

Alex ignored the insult and asked, "Is Washington allowing us in?"

"No, he says no candidates allowed in because 'we'll pressure them into voting for us,'" Thomas responded. "So, we have to pressure them right outside the door."

"I'm gonna go vote," Eliza said, "Don't kill, T Jeffs." She planted a kiss on his cheek and walked inside.

"Anyone voted before I came?" Alex asked.

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