First Day of School

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A/N: Check out @unicorn3396's new book! It's amazing and I love it!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day cuz you, random person reading this *virtually boops your nose*, deserve it!! 

~The Hamilton Household, the next day~

"Philip! Time for school!" Angelica said while obnoxiously turning his lights off and on. Philip responded by chucking a pillow at her and pulling the covers up over his face. Angelica glared at him and picked up the pillow. 

"Don't you dare," Philip growled from beneath the blankets.

"Oh, I'll dare all right," Angelica said before she threw the pillow back at him and raced out of the room.

"That's it!" Philip yelled, climbing out of his bed and running after her. But he didn't get very far before a sleep-deprived Alex caught him in the doorway.

"No screaming this early," Alexander said.

"Angie started it." Philip accused as he pointed a finger at her.

"No, Philip started it cuz he's a buttface!" Angelica yelled from down the hall.

"And you're a party pooper," Philip replied.

"Pooper," Alexander Jr. said, laughing at his siblings.

"What's with the potty language?" Eliza asked, joining her family in the hallway.

"They're using potty language," Angie said, pointing an accusing finger at them.

Eliza sighed then smiled. "Who wants breakfast?"

"Me!!" James said, waddling his way over to Eliza.

"Finally someone who's every other word isn't butt," Eliza said, picking up James.

"Are we having cookies?" Philip asked excitedly as the family traveled down the stairs.

"Cookies?" Alexander said, perking up.

"Not for breakfast," The kids and Alexander sighed. "But maybe there will be some when you come home from school." And then they grinned.

~At Washington Law Warriors~

"Mr. Washington?" Alexander asked, tapping at his bosses open door.

George looked up from his paperwork and said, "Son, come in."

"I'm not your son, anymore," Alexander said coldly as he walked into the office. 

George grimaced at this and cleared his throat. "You know I'm sorry about that. I didn't want to. John Adams made-"

"Save it." Alex hissed while narrowing his eyes at him.

An awkward silence passed between the two before Washington cleared his throat again. "So, what did you come here for, so- I mean Alexander."

"I want to talk to you about the promotion." Alexander began.

"If you're here to tell me that I should give it to you, I'm gonna have to remind you that I can't pick favorites," George said.

 "Favorites? I'm your favorite?" Alexander asked with a small smile growing on his face.

"Of cour-" George started.

"Nevermind, I don't care," Alex said, although he did care very much. 

Washington's face fell but he quickly asked, "Then why are you here?"

"I'm here because I think you should give the promotion to Jefferson," Alexander said through a very fake smile and gritted teeth.  

"What about me?" Thomas asked as he waltzed into the office. Speak of the devil. Since when does the devil wear bright magenta? Alexander thought.

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