Chapter 1-

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"Appa!!! Appa wake up!!!" The little 5 year old girl said while jumping on her father, trying to wake him up. Jungkook never needs an alram cuz his daughter, Narae, Always wakes up before 6:45am. The little girl kept jumping on her father till Jungkook finally sat up, rubbing his eyes with a smile as he cuddled Narae "Appa are you awake?"

"Yes" Jungkook kissed her on the cheek "Im awake, Did you pick out your own clothes?"

Narae shook her head "No i want you to pick for me"

Jungkook groaned and got up from his bed. Narae jumped on his back in surprise, Jungkook of course caught her before she could hit the ground. They both laughed it off and Jungkook carried her to her room, going through her closet and picking what he thinks she would want to wear. He picked out a very summer like yellow dress. Jungkook knew how to do hair cuz while his girlfriend was pregnant with Narae, She taught him how to do hair styles in case she was at work or something and she couldn't do it. So, Jungkook put Naraes now brown hair into a bun. "Aww your so pretty" Jungkook cooed, Narae got all shy and blushed

"I wanna see!!" She got off her bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror "I love it!! Thank you Appa" She hugged Jungkook and smiled

"I wanna see!!" She got off her bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror "I love it!! Thank you Appa" She hugged Jungkook and smiled

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Jungkook picked up the little girl and kissed her forehead "Im gonna go make you breakfest. While you wait, go watch some T.V in the living room so i know where you are" Narae wiggled her legs, intending Jungkook to put her down. She ran to the living room and jumped on the couch "Hey don't hurt yourself before school" Narae laughed and turned on the T.V, She doesn't know how to get to her channels so Jungkook normally helps her. unexpectedly, Fifty shades of grey was on and it was at the sex scene. Jungkook widened his eyes and instantly changed the channel "Oh thank god" Jungkook said relived

"Appa why were they----"

"YOU DIDNT SEE ANYTHING" Jungkook snapped, Narae looked at him confused "Um......They were wrestling....."

"Oh" She smiled, Jungkook changed the channel to her cartoons. Jungkook went into the kicthen and fixed up some breakfest for her. Jungkook doesn't normally make too much for her, She never finishes her food anyways so whatever she doesn't eat, Is Jungkook's breakfest.

"What do you want to eat baby?" Jungkook asked. Narae shrugged, All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Jungkook went to go answer it but Narae was closer to the door so she answerd "Rae Rae!!" Jungkook said (Rae Rae is Naraes nickname) He picked her up "Im sorry she's very friendly"

The man smiled "Oh that's okay. My name is Park Yakkung, im 34, and im the new neighbor who moved next door to you yesterday. I didnt have the time to stop by and introduce myself. Your little sister is adorable, What is your name?"

Jungkook sighed "Shes not my little sister she's my daughter. My name is Jeon Jungkook, Im 18, and this is Jeon Narae" the little girl shyly waved, putting her head into Jungkook's chest "She's shy"

"Ahh, Your so young. I have a son that's your age too, Jungkook. His name is Jimin, I would have him with me but he's at school. He loves little kids"

"That's perfect" Jungkook smiled "I need new babysitters so maybe he can babysit her while i go to  work on the weekends?"

"Of course he can" The man smiled back "Im excited for you to meet him. Well, Ill get going now. Nice to meet you"

"You too" Jungkook bowed his head and the man left "Don't you ever answer the door by yourself again do you understand me? That could've been a kidnapper and took you away. What would i do without you??"

" sorry appa" Tears stared to fill Narae's eyes. Jungkook sighed, he has to remember that she's only 5 and doesn't know any better.

"Im sorry i yelled at you baby. Appa didnt mean to. Ill make your favorite breaksfest to make up for it okay?" Jungkook wipped her tears and she smiled "There's that beautiful smile i like to see" Jungkook pressed his nose against hers, making her scrunch her face  "I bet Jimin would be a good babysitter for you huh? He sounds like a good guy. And the best part is he's my age so i dont have to worry about young teenagers babysitting you"

Narae nodded "But i like Noona Jihu" She whinned. Jihu is a 14 year old girl who babysits Narae the most

"I dont" Jungkook scoffed "i always tell her not to call me Oppa and she does anyways. I hate being called Oppa"

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