Chapter 2-

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"Today, we are going to be having our 24th student today!!" The teacher said, everyone groaned. They normally dont like new students cuz they come out strange most of the time or just don't wanna talk to anyone. Jungkook banged his head on his desk and kept his head on his desk, Jhope, the guy behind him tapped his shoudler

"You okay man?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head. He was already stressed enough about taking care of himself and Narae and now he has to deal with a new student that might end up being like Min Yoongi, The biggest bully in the school. Every flaw or insecurity they have, Yoongi will point it out and make them very depressed. He makes fun Jungkook a lot for being a single parent, He knows cuz he over heard him and the teacher talking about it when Narae got sick in school and her school called him during class.

The teacher gasped "How dare you guys! You should not be like that if you were the new student. Anyways, say hello to Park Jimin!!" He walked into the classroom all shy, his black fluffy hair a bit wet and messy. Jungkook shot his head towards him, his heart fluttering over how cute he was. Even a couple students gasped and whispered >>omg he's so cute!!<< and then some of the boys/bullies >>look how ugly he is, ew, He's so fat!<< Jimin bowed and the teacher smiled "Go ahead and introduce yourself Jimin"

"Um" He scratched the back of his head " Jimin" everyone started laughing cuz of Jimin's little nervous stutter. The teacher slammed the foot long ruler on the ground, making everyone go silent "Im 18 years old. I'm from a small town Seoul. I was born in Busan but i moved cuz of my mom's job, Now im back. It's good to be back here in Busan. I hope to make good, new friends here."

Yoongi raised his hand. The teacher was kinda confused onto why he was but the teacher called on him "Yo i gotta question. Do you eat a lot?" The whole class chuckled

"Well.....Thats a very werid question but i don't really" Jimin shrugged

"Dont ask stupid questions like that, That was very disrespectful. Jimin you can go ahead and sit are 2 empty seats. 1 by Jeon Jungkook, and 1 by Min Yoongi. Go ahead and choose who'd you like to sit by" The teacher said and Jimin nodded. He slowly started to walk towards where Jungkook sat, Jungkook watched him the whole time as he sat down in his seat, taking his backpack off. Jungkook had his head in his hand till Jhope, as a joke, yanked his wrist. Making Jungkook's head slam on the desk

"Ahh!!" Jungkook said in pain, Holding his nose as thick red blood dripped down his nose. Jhope gasped and raised his hand.

"Jungkook!!" Jhope said and helped him up from his chair, "im so sorry. I didnt know you were that dazed!! Mrs. Kakmin, Can i take Jungkook to the nurses office??" Mrs. Kakmin turned around from the white board and nodded quickly. Jhope held Jungkooks hand as they dashed out of the classroom. "Are you okay??"

"Yeah" Jungkook manged to say "Jesus Christ it hurts though. If you broke my nose, im gonna break your face"

Jhope chuckled nervously as they entered the school nurses office "I um....messed around with my friend and now his nose is bleeding"

"Oh my god" the Nurse said "Here we'll clean him off and fix him up, you can go back to class" Jhope patted Jungkook on the back before returning back to class

"Today, i will be assigning an assignment a project with you and a partner. You will have to express your feelings through some type of movement in your body to ex sample kinetic energy and potential energy. Now, I will be starting with the back row. But in this case i will be saying who Jungkook's partner is since he's not here so after school, his partner can find him and tell him. So, lucky partner to Jungkook is...." The teacher pulled out a name from out of their little bucket they had of all the students name "Park Jimin!"

Everyone turned to look at Jimin "I...I don't know where Jungkook's location is after school. This is my first day"

"I see" She nodded "Well then....Jhope, You guys are close friends. Do you want to help Jimin find Jungkook after school?"

Jhope smiled "I mean yeah sure, why not. I kinda got plans but ill help him" Jhope put his arm around Jimin, But he took his arm off when he saw Jimin seemed to look uncomfortable

"Awesome! Jimin, youll get along great with Jungkook!!"


Ahh sorry for late chapter update babiezz❤❤ Just been dealing with a lot rn

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