chapter 3-

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The bell rang intending it was time for all the students to go home. Jimin was in Jhopes last period class, But Jungkook wasn't. Jhope collected all his stuff and walked up to Jimin "Ready?" He said, startling Jimin. He nodded "great! Ill lead you to Jungkook's locker." Jhope grabbed Jimin's small wrist and led him to Jungkook's locker, where he was cleaning out some stuff and putting some notebooks and binders in his backpack. Jimin was behind Jungkook since Jhope kinda just placed him near Jungkook and left since he had plans

Right when Jungkook turned around, he saw Jimin, Looking all shy and nervous "Hey Jimin" Jungkook said "What's up?"

"Uh....we are partners for the science were in the nurses office so you didnt know. Which is why i thought id tell you" Jimin looked down at his feet

Jungkook smiled "That's awesome! I already know what we are doing cuz Jhope blabbed about it during lunch but didnt tell me who i was partners with"

"We don't have much time till its due so you think its possible for me to work on it at your house?" Jimin said. Jungkook was adored by the new student. He is so shy and adorable. Why was Jungkook having these thoughts? >>im not gay<< Jungkook said in his head. But he didn't really want Jimin staying over at his house for a bit cuz Narae might bother him the whole time since Jungkook will normally take Narae to the park or waterpark that's right next to the playground

"Ummm" Jungkook thought "Surreee. I um, Yeah sure. Why not, But there's something i have to tell you when we get in my car" Jungkook smiled and started to walk outisde the school door with Jimin following along. They went into Jungkook's car and Jimin texted his dad to tell him he was going to Jungkook's. Little does Jimin know that their neighbors. "So Jimin.....Do you like children?" Jungkook asked, already knowing the answer since he talked to his father this morning

"I love them" Jimin smiled a little "doesn't matter what age they are, i think they are adorable" Jungkook started to feel a bit better when Jimin said that. But he was still a little worried that Jimin would weirded out if he knew Jungkook was a single parent

A couple minutes later they arrived at Narae's kindergarten school she goes to. All the kids were outside of the front door, waiting for their parents with a couple of teachers with them "Why are we here?" Jimin asked and Jungkook sighed, getting out of the car to find Narae. Jungkook held his arms out when he found her and she jumped on him. Jungkook smiled and kissed her cheek, walking to the car

"Thank you!" Jungkook said to her teacher. He put her in her little carseat she had in the backseat "How was school baby?" Jungkook asked as he started to drive to his house

"It was amazing Appa!!" She said excitedly "My teacher helped me with counting today and i can count to 20!!"

Jungkook gasped, acting surprised "That's great! So proud of you. Appa will get you something to reward you with when we get home okay?" Jungkook said and Narae hummed. Jimin kinda just stayed quiet and didnt really asked any questions. He was already picking up what was going on when Narae keeps calling him appa.

They arrived home and Narae took her backpack and shoes off "appa who is this?" She said pointing at Jimin

Jungkook picked Narae up and pecked her forehead, smiling "This is Jimin, He is my partner for a school project we have to work on. Jimin....This is my 5 year old daughter, Narae"

Narae waved shyly at Jimin. Jimin smiled and waved back "Isnt he our neighbour too??" She asked and Jungkook nodded, Jimin widened his eyes cuz he didnt know that they were neighbors.

"Here" Jungkook put her down and went over to the freezer to give her the reward Jungkook was talking about. He handed her a popsicle "This is what you get for learning how to count to 20" He said opening the packaging for Narae and handing it to her "Dont make a mess okay? Me and Jimin are going to work on this project upstairs in my room. If you need anything, Let me know. Why dont you go to your room and color or watch T.V or play toys"

"Okay Appa" She smiled and went to her room with her popsicle in her hand

"Kids..." Jungkook shurgged

"She's so cute" Jimin said, watching the little girl climb up the stairs "Where's the mother?"

Jungkook sighed "Um.....She didnt want Narae. So, i took the child, got full custody, and she moved away cuz she didnt wanna deal with the kid..."

"That's so sad" Jimin thought

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