chapter 7-

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The boys stayed silent for a few seconds after Jimin left. Taehyung all of a sudden grabbed Jungkook's wrists and pinned him down on the couch. Jungkook looked surprised at Taehyung as the older male stared into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook didnt move, He kinda liked the view of Taehyung on top of him. But.....Jungkooks little thought in the back of his brain was im not gay. "Taehyung, I...Im not gay" Jungkook said

Taehyung chuckled "So then if your not gay......." Taehyung grabbed the collar of Jungkook's shirt and pulled his towards Taehyung, their lips inches apart. Taehyung licked his lips and since he was so close to Jungkook, his tounge hit the younger boy's lip a little "Then would you let me do this?" Taehyung bit his lip seducely before softly putting his lips on Jungkook's. Surprisingly, Jungkook didnt move! He locked his lips with Taehyung, enjoying the feeling of a boy's lips on his. Better than a female....its official, i think i am gay Jungkook thought as Taehyung's hands travled all over Jungkook's body. Jungkook's breath hitched as Taehyung inserted his tounge into Jungkook's mouth

"Jungk---WHAT THE HELL??" Jimin shouted and Jungkook pushed Taehyung off him instantly.

"Jimin its not what it looks like" Jungkook said, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's torso but Jungkook yanked them off "Stop it! Im not a doll!!!" Jungkook shouted, Jimin and Taehyung flinching. "Jimin im sorry i kissed your ex"

Deep inside Jimin was crushed, But he had to pretend he didnt care "its okay" Jimin fake smiled "I mean, im not with him anymore so he's all yours Jungkook" Jimin sat next to Jungkook, not saying a word. He doesn't like to start conversations

Taehyung and Jungkook kinda looked at Jimin confused onto why he wasn't mad. Jungkook would be mad if one of his friends kissed his ex. So why isn't Jimin mad? Jimin was mad on the inside....he was hiding it. Now knowing that Jungkook is gay, Jimin thought Jungkook would never love. Jimin was in love with Jungkook but he hid his feelings too late..... "So do you want to continue our English lesson or....?" Taehyung broke the silence

"I better take him home" Jungkook whispered and grabbed all his stuff "Come on Jimin, ill take you back to your place" Jungkook said and Jimin followed him, without saying anything to Taehyung. "Aren't you going to say goodbye?" Jungkook asked and Jimin shook his head as they got into Jungkook's car "Okay" Jungkook started driving to Jimin's house, he could go to house though and Jimin could walk to his house from there since they are neighbors

"How did you guys start making out" Jimin said and Jungkook widened his eyes, tighting his hands on the steering wheel

"Um.....its a long story for another time" Jungkook said and Jimin hummed in response.

Couple minutes later they arrived at Jimin's house, Jimin got out of the car, Again, silent treatment "Bye Jimin!" Jungkook said to see if Jimin would respond. He turned around and waved, still not saying anything. "Wonder what's up with him" Jungkook thought "Time to go pick up Narae....i cant let her know im gay, she's 5! She doesn't know anything about gay relationships. I can't believe i let Taehyung be the first boy i should've been Jimin since he's gay too! Im such an idiot"


Jungkook and Narae were currently at the park, Narae was playing with some of the other kids while Jungkook watched and went between back and forth texting and watching her. He enjoyed watching her play with the other kids, she gets that from Jungkook who is very social in public. Someone tapped on Jungkook's shoulder he turned his head to see who it was "No.....fucking.....way" Jungkook thought as he saw his ex, Narae's biological mother "What the hell are you doing here, Jiwoon??"

"Woah calm down Jungkook" She said and smiled "I dropped out of school cuz i didnt wanna do it anymore"

"Of course your parents let you do that, Your parents will let you do whatever the fuck you want cuz your spoiled. How did you find me and why did you move here back to Busan??"

"My parents got a new job here" Jiwoon put her hand on Jungkook's shoulder "Wanna give me a second chance? Our daughter is so cute!"

Jungkook shoved her hand off "No, Why would i do that? You left me. I had to take care of a baby at age 13 and you didnt help! My parents kicked me out of the house cuz they were mad i lost my virginity to some slut who didnt even want the damn kid. I had to change my life completely since you left and not help parent" Jungkook ran over to Narae and grabbed her "We are going home"

"But appa---"

"Narae" Jungkook snapped and she stayed quiet


Let's just say that im gonna have a lot of fun in the next chapter so yall know shit is about to go down 😂

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