chapter 9-

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"Alright she should have everything she needs while im gone, Just make sure she doesn't die basically. Um, she hasn't had dinner yet, she's not too picky so just ask what she wants to eat and she'll give you a pretty solid answer, Got it?" Jungkook was about to leave to the strip club with Jhope. Jhope was already in the car. Since Jungkook doesn't wanna tell Narae where he's really going, He just told her it had something to do with work.

"I got it" Jimin said, he picked up the little girl "Im good with little kids, Im sure she will be fine with me" Jimin said, Jungkook nodded and hugged Jimin

"Thank you Jimin" Jungkook then faced Narae "Be a good girl for Jiminie while im gone okay baby? I better hear good reports from him" Jungkook kissed her nose and she giggled cutely "i love you"

"I love you too" Narae said, Jungkook smiled and went out the door to Jhope's car

"Its hard" Jungkook breathed, Jhope looked at him confused "No no no not like that" Jhope and Jungkook both laughed "I mean it's hard leaving Narae home with a babysitter while im out doing dumb stuff with my friends"

"Kook" Jhope said, Starting to drive to the strip club "Your being an average teenager, Teenage boys normally hang out with their friends and do dumb stuff together. Dont feel bad, Make it up to her when you come back"

Jungkook shrugged "I mean i guess i can try. I cant get drunk tonight!! Remember. We are underaged anyways so we aren't going to be able to get in"

"Fake ID" Jhope held it up and Jungkook snatched it from his hand "Do you realize how easy it is to hack into your ID system and change a few things up"

Jungkook rolled his eyes "whatever, I guess we can use it. Looks believable"

The boys arrived at the strip club. Jhope got out the car while Jungkook stayed in there. Jhope opend the door for Jungkook but he refused and shut it. After a few seconds of Jungkook breathing, and Jhope comforting him, He finally got out. Jhope showed the man his ID at the front and the boys were let in. Loud music was playing and they came just in time for the next stripper to preform "Ladies and gentleman, Yes even ladies come to gay strip clubs like these anyways, everyone welcome Phoenix!" The announcer got off stage as the crowd clapped for the next stripper. He walked around the pole for a bit until he finally dropped down and started to act sexy. Jungkook started to recognize the face as he performed

"That's not---"

"Jungkook what's wrong?" Jhope asked as he already had a drink in his hand "You look confused. Well i mean i was too when i first came here but ya know, They are entertaining. This Phoenix guy is really good though"

"Hope........JHOPE!!! I GOTTA GO" Jungkook turned around to leave but Jhope grabbed his wrist

"What is your problem??"

"That's Jimin's ex and he just winked at me" Jungkook finally said and Jhope widened his eyes, looking back and forth between Jungkook and Phoenix.

Jhope handed Jungkook his drink "Here, Take a sip, You'll like it" Jungkook inspected the drink Jhope just gave him "You wont get drunk off of this, trust me"

"We really shouldn't be doing this on a school night Jhope. I mean i trust you so" Jungkook took a sip out of the drink, He coughed a little but took a few more sips "Jhope, get me 3 more of these" Jhope laughed loudly. He got another bottle of the alcohol that supposedly isnt suppose to make you drunk and a few shots. Jhope was proud he was able to drink with one of his best buddies

* A few drinks/shots later*

"IM NOT DWUNK!!" Jungkook said, barely being able to stand. Jhope didnt drink that much as Jungkook did so he just laughed at Jungkook as he was trying to stand up on his own.

Jhope yelled him up "You are very drunk Jungkookie. Damn you need to chill on alcohol" Jhope laughed 

"I am not.....fucken drunk" Jungkook tried to say serious

"Can you tell the time?"

"Yes i can" Jungkook walked to the clock and pointed at it "I am not....fucken drunk"

"Jungkook you dumbass i mean do you know what---- OH MY GOD" Jhope started to fangirl as he saw Phoenix in approach him "Um...hello"

"Hi" He said "Can i talk to your friend? Jeon Jungkook?" He asked and Jhope nodded. Grabbing Jungkook who was currently 'flirting' with the clock, banging his head on the wall. Phoenix grabbed Jungkook and brought him into a bedroom the club had

"Welp, He's gonna bottom tonight"



Just so yall dont leave and think Vkook are about to smash

They wont. Youll see in the next chapter 😉

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