chapter 16-

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Jungkook woke up the next morning knowing that he was finally gonna be able to be alone with Jimin. Not that he wanted to have sex or anything cuz he didnt want Jimin feeling used again since his ex did that. So maybe that's why Jimin didnt respond to his i love you text. Was he feeling used? Jungkook tried to get those thoughts out of his head as he was still in bed, on his phone. Narae then came running into the room "Appa appa!!" The little girl said all excited. Jungkook put his phone down and sat up "I feel a lot better today! You were right, sleeping really does help"

"You look better and sound better too" Jungkook added as he stroked  Narae's long brown hair "You ready to hang out with Jihu today??"

Narae nodded "Yes! Come on, i wanna go now appa!" Narae got off of his bed "Im gonna go change"

Jungkook shook his head, laughing " can someone have so much energy in the morning like damn, i feel dead when i wake up" Jungkook got out of bed, He threw on a black t-shirt that purposely had little holes near the neck area with a red beanie. He kept his comfortable sweatpants on from yesterday since he wasn't trying to look professional for anyone or anything. Jungkook entered Narae's room "Da-min is going to pick you up" He said

Narae pouted "Then why did you get dressed appa?"

"Cuz Jimin is coming over to work on the stupid project we have for science" Jungkook rolled his eyes. He really doesn't like science. The only thing he is into is health.

"Shouldn't you have the project done already?" Narae questioned

Jungkook nodded "You are a smart child, Just like appa sometimes" He laughed and picked her up "They should be here to pick you up any minute" Jungkook put her down as Narae ran downstairs to look out the window for them "If you miss me, have Da-min text me and call me even too okay? I am so sorry that i didnt answer last time baby but i promise you i will this time"

Narae kissed Jungkook's cheek "Okay appa!" A few minutes later, Da-mins car pulled into the drive way of Jungkook's house. Narae got all excited and was about to run out the door but Jungkook grabbed her and went outside with her in his arms since he didnt want Narae too excited "Appaa!! Put me down!" She giggled

"Not until i get my kiss" Jungkook perked his lips, intending Narae to kiss him. She smiled and gave him a peck. Jungkook put her down and got in the car. Jungkook then walked up to the window and
Da-min put it down so he could give her money "Here's 20 dollars, Thank you so much for suggeting her to hang out with Jihu. Ive been really far behind on homework since he's been sick and all"

Da-min gave the money back to Jungkook "No need! It's my pleasure. You dont have to pay me, just doing this for free"

"Ah" Jungkook smiled "Thank you, text me when you are on your way back" He waved

"You are very welcome Jungkook!" She waved as she pulled out of the drive way

"Bye appa!!" Narae shouted out from the window

"Bye Rae Rae!!" He shouted back. Narae kept waving till she was out of his sight "Time to go get Jimin" Jungkook breathed, he started to walk to Jimin's house next door. For some reason, he was nervous. Jungkook was probably nervous cuz he's not use to not having Narae around the house so itll be a werid feeling to him knowing that he doesn't have a kid in the house. He was also nervous cuz Jimin looked beat up enough so Jungkook doesn't like to see his friends like that. He knocked on the door and the father answered once again "Hello sir" Jungkook bowed "Im here for Park Jimin"

Yakkung smiled "Ah yes, of course, You guys are best friends. Why doesn't Jimin just stay the night at your house since you guys are so close!" He said

Jungkook thought about it for a minute, knowing that he always wakes up early since he had to get Narae ready for school too "Umm i dont know about that sir" Jungkook scratched the back of his neck while biting his lip. Lip bitting was just Jungkook's habit. He'll sometimes do it on purpose to suduece people but he'll often do it on accident "I wake up really early to awake my daughter up since, i have to cook for her and pick her clothes out for her and all that"

"Jimin wont mind" Yakkung said "He likes waking up early"

"Then i guess i will allow him to spend the night"


School be starting in 2 weeks and im like -

School be starting in 2 weeks and im like -

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