chapter 17-

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"That will not be necessary sir" Jungkook said, feeling bad that he interrupted an older males sentence "Im sorry" Jungkook said kinda nervously, he doesn't normally disrespect his elders but he just really wanted to see Jimin "I have stuff for him he can live off of"

The older male smiled "That's great" Jimin then came downstairs, looking the same but his left black eye was now red, meaning it was getting better. Jungkook smiled brightly as he saw Jimin in front of him "You 2 have fun. Jimin, this guy gets up early to awake his daughter so respect him or your grounded!" Yakkung pushed his son forward out the door, Jimin luckly fell into Jungkook's arm, making their faces very close to each other

"How are you doing?" Jungkook said, trying to break the awkwardness around them

Jimin stood up on his own, following Jungkook to his house "Um..... pretty well i guess. Some of my brusies are fading and my eyes feel a lot better. Is Narae home?"

Jungkook shook his head "Nope, She's gone" He grabbed Jimin's waist from the front once they reached Jungkook's front porch, pulling him towards him "Itll be just you and me" Jungkook kissed him. In Jungkook's suprise, Jimin kissed back! They stayed like that till they were out of breath. Jimin then smiled as he blushed from how cute Jungkook was acting. Jimin looked down in embarrassment but Jungkook lifted his chin up "Your so adorable when you blush my precious baby" Jungkook cooed and pecked Jimin one more time before entering his house. Jimin followed Jungkook upstairs, noticing that he had his school bag on "Why do you have your school bag on?" Jungkook questioned

Jimin smirked "Can i use your bathroom?" He asked and Jungkook nodded

"Of course, Its right by Narae's room. Ill be in my room" Jungkook went to his room and set up everything, His computer and his notebooks. He was kinda wondering why Jimin needed to borrow his bathroom, Either he really needed to go, or he was going to do something in there that Jungkook doesn't know about....

A few minutes later, Jimin eventually came out of the bathroom and walked slowly into Jungkook's room. Jungkook opend his mouth and widened his eyes as soon as he saw Jimin. He was wearing an oversized pink sweatshirt, black dancer like booty shorts and some pink knee high socks that had bows on the knees. Jungkook was shocked that Jimin even had the confidence to wear that. Well he was shy when he sat next to Jungkook, having his 'sweater paws' over his mouth. Jungkook couldn't stop staring at Jimin and how cute he looked. Jungkook was so dazed into Jimin's eyes that even dropped his laptop on the ground, making them both startle from the big, loud sound that came from it. Jimin laughed a little and put hands in between his thighs, bitting his lip "Why does daddy keep staring at me~" Jimin whined

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and picked his laptop. He had no words, He just wanted to take Jimin right then and there but he kept telling himself that he didnt want Jimin to feel used. But he was about ready to just snap out all those thoughts cuz of how adorable Jimin looked.....No, Jungkook thought he looked sexy "" Jungkook said as he took his shirt off only, Jimin admired his toned body. But eventually, Jimin climbed onto Jungkook's lap " you want to work on the project?"

"Yeah, Im sure you can multitask, ya know.....playing with your baby boy while we work on the project" Jimin set the laptop aside as he moved around on Jungkook's lap. The look on Jungkook's face were obvious that Jimin was doing a good job seducing him

Jungkook had enough of this. He eventually just snapped and pinned Jimin against the bed "I think you need punishment from daddy.....You are looking way too sexy right now. God i feel like i cant control myself when you are looking this sexy" Jungkook smashed his lips against Jimin's. Jimin kissing back of course. Jungkook slolwy traveled his hands down Jimin's body to his perfect plump ass, giving it a squeeze. Jimin's breath hitched, making a way for Jungkook to slip his tounge in there. Soft moans slowly escaped Jimin's mouth as Jungkook played with his tounge with Jimin's tounge. Jungkook tugged at Jimin's sweatshirt intending for him to take it off and so he did. Jungkook then started to trail down to his jawline, to his chest, and eventually, having Jimin taking off his shorts "Oh baby boy....we are going to have a fun afternoon playing in the bedroom"


Yayyy about time i finally write some Jikook smut!

The rest will be in the next chapter ;)

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