chapter 18-

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Little vocab before we start:



Im not good at writing smut so here's the moment you all have been waiting for


Enjoy ma babiezz💗❤💗


Jungkook had Jimin open his legs so Jungkook could lick the inside of his thighs, making lots of small hickeys. Jimin took Jungkook's beaine off so he had something to grip, which was Jungkook's soft, brown hair "Ah~ daddy" Jimin moaned as Jungkook travled his hands up to Jimin's nipples, playing with them gently. He then got close to Jimin's face, fully on top of him with his hips pressed against Jimin's now formed boner

"Tell me when it hurts baby boy and ill stop" Jungkook travled his hand down to Jimin's entrance. This was Jimin's first time so he was a little scared what was going to happen

Jungkook then enetered one finger into Jimin's pink hole. Jimin gasped and gripped onto the bed sheets "AH!" Jimin moaned loudly. Jungkook kissed him as he was moaning when Jungkook enetered a second finger. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, trying to not moan so loud so that the neighbours would hear. He enetered a third finger and that was Jimin's breaking point. He flew his head back into the bed sheets and arched his back in pleasure. He bit his lip as moaned loudly "Ahh!! Daddy ah~ It feels so good" Jimin moaned. Jungkook smirked, He felt bad that he was smashing Jimin dry since he never uses lube. He uses saliva if the partner decides to give a blowjob first. Which made Jungkook have a good idea....

"Mm baby your moans are so sexy" Jungkook said as he took his fingers out of Jimin "Ill give you a nice punishment if you suck on daddy's member good" Jungkook winked and Jimin's face turned a deep red. Jungkook and Jimin switched spots, Jimin had to take Jungkook's pants off for him since he was still wearing them. Jungkook ran his fingers through Jimin's hair as smirked when he saw Jimin's face looking shocked at how big he was. Jimin slolwy teased the tip with his finger, making Jungkook's breath hitch. He then took Jungkook by whole, making Jungkook open his mouth and shut his eyes as hot moans came out of his mouth "Ah fuck~" Jungkook moaned as tugged on Jimin's hair, making Jimin go faster "Ohh~ you are doing so good baby boy" Jungkook groaned, Jimin licked his balls and rubbed his hands around Jungkook's abs, now making Jungkook a moaning mess "Ahh~" He kept moaning as Jimin became faster and sucked harder "AH! Im gonna release!"

"Release for me daddy" Jimin moaned and within a minute, Jungkook released on Jimin's neck mostly. Jimin used his hand to wipe it off and tasted Jungkook's hot seeds. Jungkook breathed heavy after he came but soonly flipped Jimin into his back and alined his member with Jimin's hole. Jimin was already moaning from the intensity he's probably gonna get

"Ill be gentle at first. But since this a punishment. Im gonna make you feel so good. You won't be able to walk home tommrow morning" Jungkook then slowly pushed himself into Jimin, making Jimin let out a loud moan

"AH!! DADDY AH! AHH YOUR SO BIG" Jimin moaned as Jungkook started to thurst deep inside Jimin. Jungkook groaned as he felt Jimin's ass tighten "H..Harder daddy" Jimin breathed and Jungkook didnt have to say that twice cuz he instantly started to pound into him "AH AH AH AH AH DADDY!~~ RIGHT THERE OH YES DADDY" Tears fell down Jimin's face cuz of how much pain he was in but it was pleasurable pain.

Jungkook enjoyed hearing Jimin moan and say all these turn on words. Better than when he smashed his girlfriend when they were 13....Jungkook licked his upper lip as he started to pump Jimin's memebr for him since he could see Jimin already starting to pump himself "Who makes you feel good" Jungkool growled into Jimin's ear

"D...daaAHH! Ahh Daddy ahhh does" Jimin could barely get the words he wanted to say since he was receiving so much pleasure. Jungkook felt Jimin's legs trembling, So he pressed his tense abs against Jimins back, breathing heavy as he started to bite on Jimin's neck and shoulder "DADDY!! AAHH~ AHH! D..ADDY Im gonna release!" Jungkook slammed as hard as he could into Jimin as he came closer and closer to releasing his hot seeds

A few more thrusts later, Jimin finally released and so did Jungkook as filled Jimin up with his warm seeds. Jungkook took his member out of Jimin, both boys dripping in sweat as they layed on their backs, breathing heavy. "That......was.....amazing" Jimin breathed and Jungkook chuckled

"Y...yeah. i dont think I've ever smashed anyone that hard before. You did a really good job for your first time" Jungkook intertwined their hands together "My lord....i don't think I've ever been this......out of breath.....from sex"

"Daddy must gave me a pretty good punishment then"


I sometimes use different words when im writting smut idek

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