chapter 5-

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Jimin and Jungkook were sitting at a table with an umbrella under them near the waterpark where they could see Narae playing with her toys with some other girls she decided to share her toys with "I sing when im stressed" Jungkook said as the 2 were trying to think of what to do

"Really?? Me too! I sing in my room though when its late at night. Ive sung in front of my mom when she was alive" Jimin looked down at his notebook when he said that, looking sad

Jungkook lifted his chin up "Ah, I sing at night to Narae when she's having a hard time falling asleep. A lot of stuff can get on her mind thatll make her too energized to sleep. She says i have a good voice but she's 5 ya know " Jungkook laughed "Let's do an English song cover to make it unique and hopefully get extra credit"

"Umm" Jimin said un sure "Im not good at English. I can understand some things but not a lot. Speaking is the worst part"

"Narae has a friend that her dad can speak pretty fluent English so maybe he can teach us..?" Jimin nodded "Who's your favorite English singer?"

"Im gonna have to think about that" Jimin said "and you?"

"Charlie puth" Jungkook responded "ive tried singing his songs to Narae but she doesn't know any English and the pronunciation is pretty hard. Narae's friend's dad is Kim Namjoon--"


"Agust D is better" Jungkook whispered "Anyways yes, him"

Jimin smiled and sat closer to Jungkook "Are you friends with him??"

Jungkook laughed at how cute Jimin was acting. Yet he was getting a little Jungkook isnt gay. At least that's what he keeps telling himself. At this point, Jungkook is starting to question his sexuality. He needs to talk with Jhope, he's an expert on this stuff. He'll invite him later "No, Narae is friends with his son though, Kaiak"

"Oh" Jimin said "I guess we can start learning the song soon, i mean we have a week so i bet we'll pick up very quickly" Jimin grabbed his phone out "Which do you think shows emotion?"

"Mm" Jungkook thought "How about we don't talk anymore...?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded in agreement. He played the song since he's only heard part of it. They couldn't play it too loud since they were in public. "It really shows emotion"

"Yeah it does" Jimin turned off his phone "I think we'd be able to sing, it doesn't sound that hard to---" Jimin widened his eyes and went to hide under the table


"Shhh!!!" Jimin said and Jungkook kept quiet, confused onto why Jimin was hiding, nor what he was hiding from. Jungkook looked around to see if there was anyone suspicious around but there wasn't. A couple minutes later Jimin poped back up and sat down  "Sorry..."

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, rubbing Jimin's back "what was that about??"

"Um, Jungkook i have something to tell you" Jimin said nervously and Jungkook hummed in response " gay, and i saw my ex from when i went to Daegu during my sophomore year of summer break. I broke up with him cuz he was just....too hormonal all the time if you know I'm talking about"

Jungkook nodded "Ahh, I see. Jeez some guys are so disgusting, using guys for their bodies. Im not like that, I don't use people for their bodies cuz that is very mean. I..I like girls who have a good personality and not very, shy you know i like the girls who will show their true side"

Jimin's heart felt like it just shattered into a million pieces, Knowing that the guy he fell in love with at first sight was straight and not into dudes "i see" Jimin said, but a couple seconds later Jimin felt someone pull him aside and grabbed him by his waist so Jimin was facing whoever was in front of him. Jimin looked up to see his ex from Daegu "T...Taehyung???"

"Jimin" Taehyung smiled and hugged Jimin "Id thought id never see you again. I missed you after 2 years of you not answering my calls or texts. You've grown up. Look at you! Already 18" Taehyung pinched Jimin's nose but Jimin yanked his hand away

"Hey" Jungkook stood up "You better take your hands off him you pervert" Jungkook said

Taehyung scoffed "Who's this?"

" friend" stuttered Jimin. Jungkook was surprised that Jimin wasn't trying to escape Taehyung's grip "We are trying to work on a school project so if you could leave us alone that would be very much appreciated" Taehyung's grip loosened so Jimin could sit back down but Taehyung grabbed Jimin's wrists

"Wait....Come over to my house and maybe ill learn more about you"


Been updating like crazy cuz school starts back up again 3 fucken weeks soooo


Going into 8th grade, kinda nervous. Any of yall who are in high school please give me some advice about 8th grade XD


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