chapter 19-

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Jungkook and Jimin decided to take a shower together and put clean clothes on. Jungkook gave Jimin some of his clothes since he probably doesn't wanna put on that same sexy outfit he had on otherwise Jimin would be a total wreck tommrow during school. Jungkook's clothes were a little too big on him but it made him look cute. Jimin was in Jungkook's lap as they were studying some more English as they tried to sing the song they wanted to preform. "My baby boy is such an amazing singer" Jungkook cooed and Jimin blushed

"Yah....i could say the same for you daddy" Jimin said "You have a good passion for singing and your really good at it. I think you should be a singer when you grow up. A kpop star even!"

Jungkook laughed "Your kidding right? I don't have the good looks as a kpop star would have" Jungkook said and Jimin smiled, turning around so he was facing Jungkook as he wrapped his legs around him like a koala

"Your looks are just as hot as a kpop star though" Jimin said and kissed Jungkook's lips

Jungkook shurgged "Well and how would i have time to take care of Narae?"

Jimin nodded "Fair point"

They both got back to work, But Jungkook spoke up "Baby boy can i ask you something?" Jungkook said and Jimin hummed in response "W...will you be my boyfriend?"

Jimin smiled brightly and wrapped his whole body around Jungkook now "YES! YES I WILL!!" Jimin was happy knowing that his crush is finally his. They shared a long kiss before splitting "What will Narae say? Did you tell her that your gay and your into dudes?"

"Well, I did ask her how she would feel and her response was so cute. She said I dont care who you fall in love with, as long as your happy, im happy. I was very surprised with her answer since she's only 5 and she doesn't really know much about relationships, or at least i hope not" There was a knock on the door and Jungkook gave Jimin one last kiss before going downstairs. He opened the door and out came Narae jumping on him, clinging onto him. "Hey baby" Jungkook laughed as he held her in his arms "How was your playdate with Jihu??"

"It was amazing appa!!" Narae said smiling, happy to see her appa "Da-min accidently ran over a homeless man when we were on our way to Jihu's favorite play place which is also mine! And then she did it again"

Jungkook gasped "Why did she run him over twice??"

"Cuz it was funny appa" Jungkook started to think either Da-min was drunk or he barely knows Da-min and knowing she would do that on purpose

"Appa has something to tell you Narae!" Jungkook said excitedly and put Narae down. He went upstairs to show Narae too "Rae Rae" Jungkook said and Jimin stood up from the bed as Jungkook back hugged Jimin "This is my boyfriend, Park Jimin"

Narae gasped and hugged Jimin "Yay!!! Congratulations appa! Does this mean he's going to live with us??"

Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other "I dont know. Depends if its okay with his appa for him to stay here" Jungkook kissed Jimin and Narae " Ah yes, i love my babies"

Narae climbed down Jimin "Appa im hungry"

"You didnt get fed at Da-mins?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and let go of Jimin

"Yeah they didnt have much" Narae shurgged

"Alright i guess i can go make you guys some lunch. Jimin, will you play with Narae while i go fix up something?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded, Going downstairs to the living to play. Narae got the chance to show Jimin all her favorite dolls and toys she liked play with while they were playing. Jimin's father wasn't wrong, he is pretty good with kids when it comes to playtime.

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