chapter 13-

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The next day, Saturday morning. Jungkook was feeling a lot better and so was Narae. But she still had a fever and her eyes were still a little puffy and red. So, Jungkook decided not to go to work today. Jungkook did realize that he should probably invite Jimin over since he wasn't there at school, meaning Jimin had to work on his English alone. He entered Narae's room, rubbing her forehead "My lord you feel warm" Jungkook said, unfortunately waking up Narae "Hey baby. Im sorry i woke you up, how are you feeling?"

Narae rubbed her eyes "Better. i didnt throw up early in the morning. Are you going to work today?"

Jungkook smiled "Of course not, how can i go to work when my baby is sick? Im staying here all day with you. But, appa is going going to have Jimin over today to work on a project"

Narae pouted "Okay appa" But that pout quickly turned into a smile "Is Eomma going to be here today??"

Jungkook froze, He thought Narae was going to forget what she saw yesterday. If Jungkook was into girls, he would be thinking about taking Jiwoon back only to help him with Narae. He's not straight though...."Um....No" Jungkook said and Narae pouted again and crossed her arms "Im gonna go get Jimin okay? He's right next to us since he's our neighbor so ill go walk there" Jungkook went to his room to go change into denim jeans with a grey sweatshirt. He locked Narae in the house since he was going to be gone for a minute. He knocked on the door, Yakkung answered "Hey! How are you" Jungkook bowed

The father smiled "Good. Ive been well, and you Jeon Jungkook?"

"Um, ive been okay. I was wondering if Park Jimin was busy today?" Jungkook asked and Yakkung shook his head "Good. Is it possible he can come over to my  house today? I wasn't at school yesterday cuz i was sick so i need to catch up"

The father nodded "PARK JIMIN!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! JUNGKOOK WANTS YOU TO COME TO HIS HOUSE TODAY!!" He yelled, making Jungkook flinch a little. Jimin was almost limping down the stairs. He noticed Jimin had brusies all over his face and little scratches as well. He looked like he got beat up almost. He had his sweatshirt hood up, Trying to cover his face. "Go work on a the project with Jungkook" He snarled and Jimin nodded.

"Bye Mr. Park" Jungkook waved and so did Yakkung before shutting the door. The boys started walking to Jungkook's house "What happend to you?" Jungkook asked

"Nothing......I fell" Jimin lied, Jungkook knew he was lying cuz you don't get a lot of brusies on your face from falling "I studied some English when you were gone  on Friday"

Jungkook opend his house door "Good. Narae is still a little sick so she should be resting in her room for a little bit. And let me tell you, she is a very heavy sleeper" Jungkook laughed. He led Jimin to his room and they sat down on his bed "So i have my computer to do some studying--" Jungkook stopped himself from finishing his sentence, he couldn't stop looking at Jimin's face looking like it was destroyed.

Jimin looked at him confused "W..what?" He said, Jungkook quickly pinning Jimin down, holding his wrists down "What are you--"

"Who did this to you? And i wont let you go unless you tell me who beat you up"

Jimin stared into Jungkook's eyes for a bit before answering, liking the view of Jungkook on top of him "No one. I fell Jungkookie. Now let me go"

"No" Jungkook got closer to Jimin's face, their lips inches apart once again. "Who would hurt....such a precious boy like you?" Jungkook whispered

"Please" Jimin begged "No one. He told me not to tell anyone"

"Who?" Jungkook questioned, That's when Jimin realized he shouldn't have said that now since Jungkook is just gonna keep bugging him about "Whoever did this to you, Ill beat the crap out of them"

Jimin and Jungkook both came closer together till their noses touched, but now their lips. This was Jimin's chance to kiss his crush! He had a plan "Kiss me, and maybe ill tell you" Jimin didnt have to tell Jungkook twice, In a matter of seconds Jungkook gentley placed his lips on Jimin's. Jimin moved his lips to match Jungkook's perfectly. The boys did not want this moment to end, ever. Jungkook enjoyed Jimin's lips, better than Taehyung's even!

They eventually splited, But Jungkook still had his face really close to Jimin's, caressing his cheek. This was Jungkook's chance to express his feelings to Jimin "You dont even know how bad i want you to be mine, Park Jimin" Jimin flinched from Jungkook's touch on his face "Now....Will you tell me who hurt you?"

Jimin sighed "Min Yoongi"



It's about time Jikook kissed!! XD i made it sooo late in the chapter. I hate myself for doin that. Why did i do that

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