chapter 6-

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"Umm" Jimin looked at Jungkook "I....i dont know, i mean, you were always trying to get in my pants when we hung out so i dont know if i want to get raped" Jimin said still looking at Jungkook

Taehyung thought for a second, not remembering how dumb he was 2 years ago "Ah! Jimin im so sorry what i did those years. It was just hormones ya know? I didnt only love you for your body, i loved you for who you were. Ive changed so much since those years, And to prove i wont do anything, You can bring your friend with you" Taehyung smiled a bit at Jungkook

"I have a kid" Jungkook said kinda fast "Im sorry i wish i could come with you guys to make sure Jimin will be safe but i cant leave my 5 year old daughter here"

"Oh" Taehyung said "Does she have a babysitter?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded "Well then have her/ him come here and watch her"

Jungkook sighed, He really doesn't like leaving Narae with a 14 year old teenager since all she does is watch Narae and text her friends. "Ya know what i think i know one of the moms over there that goes to Narae's school. I met her at parent teacher conference. Her son is so cute, He's 4. Okay yeah i know her im gonna go over there and ask her." Jungkook got up, Jimin followed him in case Taehyung was gonna take this as a chance to do something with him. Jungkook walked up to the mother who was playing with her son in the water. "Hello Da-min" Jungkook bowed "How's the little guy?"

Da-min looked excited at Jungkook to see him. But he almost looked homeless cuz he was wearing a red hoodie with black jeans with gold zipplers on the knee part "Hey Kook! He's doing great. Do you need anything?"

"Yeah kinda" Jungkook scatched the back of his head "Um, I need you to watch Narae for me while go run a few errands. Would that be okay with you....? If not, that's okay"

"Id love to watch her" Da-min said, picking up her son "Jihu always gets excited when he plays with Narae so id be more than happy to watch her. I guess id have to get use to watching 2 kids since there's one coming along the way"

Jungkook knew that Da-min was a couple weeks preganant but he decided to be nice and not say anything "Oh my god really?? Your look so flat! I couldn't even tell" Jungkook said and the woman blushed. Da-min was in her thirtys but if she was younger, Jungkook thinks she would make a pretty good house wife cuz of how good treats kids "alright well thank you so much. Im gonna go let Narae know that im leaving" Jungkook hugged Da-min for a quick second and called Narae's name over cuz he didnt wanna get into the water "Appa is going to be running some errands so
Da-min is going to be watching you while im gone. Youll get to play with Jihu too!"

Narae pouted and rubbed her eyes, intending tears were falling down "How long are you going to be gone for appa??"

"Aww baby dont cry, i won't be gone that long. Ill make it up to you when i come back okay? We'll go somewhere that you really like and we'll spend some time there. I would hug you but your all wet so" Jungkook laughed but Narae hugged him anyways. "Awhh" Jungkook said, it didnt really bother him since Narae's height only reached in the middle of Jungkooks thigh "I love you" He crouched down to her height. He perked his lips, intending her to peck him

Narae kissed his lips and laughed "i love you too appa" She said "I wanna play with Jihu" Da-min laughed and set her son down. The 2 went over to play in the water

"Your so good with kids!!" Da-min said and Jungkook shurgged

"Eh, i kinda taught myself some parenting tips"


Later at Taehyung's house, the boys sat on Taehyung very big couch. Jimin and Jungkook were working learning English while Taehyung tried to help them on it "How old are you Taehyung?" Jungkook asked

"19" Taehyung responded. And he wasn't lying cuz Jungkook looked over at Jimin to make sure it was true and he nodded

"Wow I didnt know you were a year older than us" Jungkook said surprised

"I didnt know you had a kid" Taehyung joked and Jungkook rolled his eyes

"Yeah whatever" He laughed

"Hey Jungkook i think i forgot my bag downstairs im gonna go get it" Jimin got up and went downstairs, closing the door behind him

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