chapter 8-

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"Hope....i think im gay" Jungkook said, making Jhope spit out his water he had. Jungkook decided to invite him over at his house to talk about his feelings. Narae was upstairs in her room playing dolls so Jungkook thought it'd be a perfect time to start talking about his feelings for guys "Well you didnt have to do that" Jungkook laughed as Jhope got some paper towels to clean up his mess he made

"So, How, and why are you thinking this?" Jhope asked

"I dont know that's the thing Hope!" Jungkook raised his voice a little. He was very frustrated with himself at this point "So i was at the pool with Narae and i had Jimin with me. We ran into his ex from Daegu, I don't know why he's here in Busan but anyways, He invited us over at his house and Jimin had to go downstairs to get something. Couple seconds later he pinned me down and kissed me! Well, more like made out with me and i enjoyed it.......its better than a females lips to be honest. Jhope, Am i gay?"

"Hm" Jhope pretended to think "If you like the same gender as you what do you think?" Jhope said, making Jungkook laugh "Yes Kooks, i think you are gay. But, there are many other sexualitys out there you could be too. Like Bi or Pan. Im assuming if you think kissing boy's are better than kissing girls, Then your gay" Jhope said and Jungkook nodded. All of a sudden Jhope jumepd a little and patted Jungkook thigh "Do you wanna go to a gay strip club with me??? Ive always wanted to go with someone who was gay too!!"

Jungkook slapped Jhope's hand off him, making Jhope pout and hold his hand like it was injured "No! I have a kid! I cant come home drunk, first of all. Second, i don't even know if im a top or botton!"

"Well when Taehyung kissed you did you wanna be on top of him?" Jhope asked, Jungkook shook his head

"I liked the view of being on the bottom" Jungkook smiled to himself

"You dont have to drink there either, Ask for water or something. And if a guy asks you smash, ill be there to help you say no" Jhope patted his shoulder

"I haven't been really spending time with Narae lately though since all of you guys want to hang out with me. Who's gonna watch her??" Jungkook said kinda loud once again frustrated. Jungkook was gonna say something but he didnt once he heard Narae coming down the stairs, He was surprised to see her without a doll in her hand. Narae sat on Jungkook's lap, cuddling herself into her father's embrace. Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead "What's wrong baby girl?" Jungkook said, stroking her back

"I missed you when you were gone appa" Narae said "And i want to spend more time with you! Can you play dolls with me?"

Jungkook sighed, he really doesn't like it when Narae asks to play dolls with her since Jungkook is a boy and doesn't enjoy that stuff. But he decides to do it anyways to make his precious child happy "Umm, Yeah. Jhope wanna join"

"Jungkook you-" Jungkook covered Narae's ears quickly cuz he knew Jhope was gonna say a curse word. But he stopped himself when he saw Jungkook covering Narae's ears "Sorry" Jhope started to whispered "But Jungkook you bastard" Jhope laughed

Jungkook rolled his eyes and took his hands off Narae's ears "Appa why did you---"

"Let's go play dolls" Jungkook grabbed her and went upstairs with her. Jhope was going to follow along but there was a knock on the door, Jhope froze where he was and stared at Jungkook "Do you wanna answer it?" Jungkook asked and Jhope nodded.

Jhope opend the door to see Jimin and his father, The father looked angry as he was gripping tightly on the back of Jimin's shirt, yanking him "Exuse me, Is Jeon Jungkook home?" Yakkung asked

Jhope stared at Jimin for a few seconds before answering "Yes sir, He is home. I will go get him.  JUNGKOOK SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU AT THE DOOR!"

Jungkook downstairs, holding Narae's hand "Yeah? Oh, hey Jimin. What's up?"

"Well" The father yanked Jimin forward "Im sorry my son was being disrespectful today. In return, I thought id have him apologize and babysit your kid tonight if you have any plans" Jungkook looked over at Jhope, smirking

"Yeah, I got plans. Jimin is more than welcome to babysit her" Jungkook smiled "How about in a half and hour he can come over and babysit?"

"Sounds perfect" The father said "Jimin, what do you say??" The father harshy pulled the collar of his sons shirt back, choking him a bit. No wonder Jimin is so shy all the time, his father traumatizes him

" sorry f..for being disrespectful earlier today....."


Accidently made this chapter pretty long but eh, the longer the better👌

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