chapter 15-

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Jungkook was walking Jimin back to his home since his father needed him home. Jimin had brusies on his neck and chest but it blended in with the brusies he had on his face "So ill see you tommrow? Narae will be at Jihu's house for a playdate tommrow so itll just be you and me. So we can focus" Jungkook winked

Jimin chuckled "Ill be there" The boys were at Jimin's front door now. "Ill see you tommrow" Jimin said, But Jungkook wasn't satisfied. He grabbed Jimin's waist from behind

"I wont let you go unless you say your real goodbye"

Jimin rolled his eyes "Such a child" He looked over his shoulder so Jungkook could kiss him before he had to go inside "Bye daddy~" Jimin said softly and Jungkook smiled

"Bye baby boy" Jungkook kissed him one more time. He let go so Jimin could back inside. Jimin couldn't stop smiling it seemed like when he went inside. His crush almost smashed him.... Jungkook went back inside his house. He leaned his back against the door, smiling to himself. Jungkook's smile didnt last long as he looked down at his boner......"Fuck" He cursed to himself. Jungkook went upstairs to his room, remembering that he has Jimin's number


Jungkook waited a little bit for a response, He made sure it wasn't the wrong number. He signed as its been 5 minutes, but then got up to check on Narae. He entered her room and turned on the light to see her sleeping peacefully with a glass of water beside her. Jungkook smiled, she did need a lot of rest so she could feel better tommrow for her playdate with Jihu. Jungkook heard his phone go off and ran to his room to see who it was from. Sure enough...............
It was Jimin

Hey. Sorry for late response

No need to apologize, I understand

Need anything?

You :(

Aww, i wish i could. But my father wants me to work on the song

That's a good idea, i should probably do the same thing. Which verses you wanna do?

Any is fine, Maybe you can start it off first with the 1st verse since your probably a better singer than me and im more shy, Lol

I bet you are an amaizng singer!❤ Don't say that. I can do verse 1 for sure if that's what you want baby boy💗

Thank you😌💕

Before i go.........

Jungkook Before i go

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Love you baby 😘


That's all Jimin sent

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That's all Jimin sent. Jungkook pouted since he didnt respond with a love you too. He started to wonder why he didnt respond, Does Jimin not like the picture Jungkook sent him? He sent a picture back so he have had to like it a little bit "Weird" Jungkook thought as he put his phone down when Narae walked into his room. He held both of her hands "What's up baby girl? Are you hungry?" Jungkook said

Narae shook her head "Im cold appa"

He smiled "Alright then how about i cuddle you for the rest of the day. Just you and me since i haven't been able to spend much time with you"

Narae got excited "Yay!!" She hugged him

"Just don't throw up on me" Jungkook laughed and so did Narae

"I wont!" She jumped on Jungkook, wrapping her little legs around his waist. Jungkook kissed her forehead

"Your forehead feels a lot better. But your still having some chills aren't ya. You get that from your father" Jungkook carried her downstairs to the couch. Narae will normally fall alseep in Jungkook's lap if he's watching something appropriate. He sat down as Narae cuddled herself into Jungkook's body. He kissed her cheek "Get plenty of rest okay? I love you"

"I love you too appa" Narae said as she slowly started to fall asleep.

Before he wanted Narae to fall asleep, He wanted to ask her a question "Hey baby?" Jungkook said and Narae hummed "How would you feel if appa was in love with men?"

Narae shot up and looked at him shocked "EOMMA IS A BOY???"

Jungkook laughed "Oh hunny i love you. You are so much like me" Jungkook kissed her lips "No that's not what i meant. Um, For example, how would you feel if me and Jimin fell in love with each other?"

Narae smiled "I dont care who you fall in love with appa, as long as your happy, im happy"

Jungkook smiled back "Thank you Rae Rae. That makes me feel a lot better"

"But do you love eomma?" Narae then asked and Jungkook stayed quiet.....He really didnt wanna explain what was going on till she was about 10

"Get some rest....We need you to feel better by tommrow so you can have your playdate with Jihu. Im sure he really wants to see you"

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