chapter 22-

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"Get off me!!" Jungkook cried as he tried push Yakkung off of him. He was much bigger and stronger than Jungkook so he knew, there was no use....."What do you want?!"

Yakkung smirked as he was about to slide his hand up Jungkook's shirt "Your body Jeon Jungkook" he said

Jungkook was lucky enough to grab his wrist from touching him and yanking it off "YOUR A PEDOPHILE!!" He shouted and kept trying to push him off. A few minutes later, The cops arrived, bursting through the door. They yanked Yakkung off Jungkook and asked him a million questions. In the end, he ended up being a jail for 10 years for rape and child abuse cuz before kidnapped Jimin, he raped a whole bunch of children when he was in his 20s. One of the cops brought Narae in and Jungkook teared up as they put her in his arms "are you okay? Oh my gosh im so happy you did what appa told you to do. Who called the cops though?"

"I did" Jimin said as he came down the stairs "I saw what was happening and was too afraid to come downstairs so i called the cops"

"Jimin" Jungkook hugged Jimin with Narae still in his arms. "Thank you so much is all i can say right now. I dont know what would've happend to me if the cops didnt show up"

The cops pulled Jungkook a side gentley "Mr. Jeon, Um, Park Jimin's parents are from Busan but i dont think they live here now cuz we couldn't find a match. Do you think he'll be able to live with you for the rest of his life?" Jungkook nodded and got excited "Well one thing, if he's gonna live with you is he has to help you pay child support"

Jungkook looked at the cop confused "What? Narae is my kid, he doesn't need to help pay child support if I'm her guardian"

"May we take you to the office and get you guys blood draws so we can explain it to you easier?" Jungkook looked at Jimin, They both nodded "We have play area for your little one at the office"

"Thank you"


The nurse who took care wounded cops took the boy's blood draws, and they had to wait about 5 minutes before the results came back. Jungkook put his hand on top of Jimin's, making him startled but relaxed when he saw it was Jungkook "Whatever those results say, Im sure we are fine. Im not making you pay child support with me. You are a non custodial parent, meaning you would have to pay 2,500 dollars a month" Jimin looked at him shocked and mouthed oh my god, making Jungkook laugh.

The nurse came back with their results. She handed them some worksheet they had to fill out "So, from the results......Jimin, you are pregnant with Jungkook's kid" She said, Jungkook and Jimin gasped, looking at each other "Now before you freak out, This runs in your family. You have a condition in your anal area that works like a vagina, luckily you dont have a menstrual cuz you are more male than female. But.....One thing that also is weird in your guys tests guys are somehow related"

Jimin felt like he couldn't handle anything anymore. He was just focusing on that one comment she said that he was pregnant. He's hasn't even graduated high school yet! Jungkook was beyond excited that Narae was gonna have a sibling, not caring if it is a boy or a girl. "R...related?" Jimin said "How?"

The nurse shurgged "I dont know, Your blood matches. you guys dont have the same family name since Mr. Yakkung kidnapped Jimin and changed his family name"

"Wow" Jungkook said "I.....dont even know what to happy that Narae is gonna be an older sister but....if we are related.....that means we can't get married"

"That is correct, The file that Jimin has can access to him changing his family name back to Jeon. You can date, have kids, do whatever since you are very little related but that little turns huge when it comes to illegal consequences"

Jungkook looked over Jimin "So does that mean Jimin is still paying for child support?"

"You guys can take turns yes" The nurse smiled "Fill out those papers, and ill be back in 5 minutes" The nurse left the room

"We are having a baby!!" Jungkook said excited, getting out of the chair and hugging Jimin "Narae has always wanted to be an older sister. She'll finally accept you as an eomma once she finds out"

Jimin smiled brightly "I wont be like her old eomma and leave the baby. Ill love them no matter what. And im more than happy knowing that your the father. But what if i get made fun of at school with my big pregnant belly?"

"Looks like we are going to have to drop out"


Next chapter will be the last... :(

Im glad i decided to remake this book at least, it got taken down due to reasons so i got stuck with making another one.

But i like these kind of books where BTS is a single parent and they end up finding true love on the way

Love u babes ❤💗❤

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